Chapter 9 (Edited)

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Jade's POV 

Her lips felt soft and solid against my own as she kissed me. I didn't want her to let go, to stop it just as I collected myself enough to run my fingers through her hair, I heard a light gasp. Tori immediately pulled away.

"Cat..," I breathed in surprise. The redhead stared between Tori and I with an expression of bewilderment, the roses she had presumably gotten from her friends were lowered to her side.

"YOU'RE TOGETHER?!" Bellowed the actress as she stared between us, a grin making it's way onto her face. 

Tori looked toward me, a smile gracing her lips as she nodded. "You can tell our friends, Cat. I know secrets aren't your favorite."

Tori's POV

My heart thundered at inhumane speed as I let those words slip to the red headed actress. How was Beck going to react? I shook my head of the thoughts as I felt Jade's silent stare on me. 

She looked at peace, a small smirk adorning her face. "So, I think I won, right Vega?"

 I laughed silently at the display. It was just like Jade to be so competitive, it was what I loved about her. I found many things that reflected my own personality in her, and many that varied. I grinned at the thought. "Just this once, Jade," I said in a mocking tone.

She opened her arms wide which caused me to quizzically raise an eyebrow. Did she want a hug? I neared even closer with some sense of caution before she enveloped me in a bone crushing embrace.

We stayed like that for awhile until a knock at the backstage door made us jump, "guys! We're going to Karaoke Dokey. Do you want to come?" 

Andre waited for an answer on the other side of the door before jiggling the knob and walking in. "Are you guys dead or something?" He said before he noticed the way Jade had her arms wrapped around me. His eyes widened as though they were saucers which made me giggle a little, he looked ridiculous. 

By the looks of it, Jade had a similar thought process as she bit back a smirk but not quickly enough. "Yes, we would love to go." I smiled pleasantly. Andre nodded, his mouth still agape as he ran out of the backstage room.

"He's probably going to blab to everyone," Jade grumbled. I shrugged in response. 

"At least they will know we're together."


We made our way through the tidal waves of people in the restaurant, spotting our friends in a booth set in the back. I waved calmly will Jade grumbled by my side about wanting to snap Robbie's head off. He had tagged along, I assumed.

The puppet at his side commented, "Well girls, took you long enough." I cringed internally but smiled automatically at the remark. Andre and Cat seemed immersed in their conversation and Beck sat lonesome in a corner, his phone chiming every few minutes with my sister's number. 

I smiled slightly, ever since the accident and the ton of visits we had made- Beck and Trina had gotten closer. Jade had accompanied me most of the time, even when we fought. It was something I will forever be grateful for. 

Trina hadn't gotten much better but she now was cognoscente of her surroundings, and allowed to use her phone to get her hands and arms used to the consistent movement again- her legs were still paralyzed though. I mourned the loss of her happiness for awhile when she was in her coma but it seemed that when she had awoken- she had been new, refreshed, lovely. I always wondered what had happened but I never had the heart to ask.

I came back to Jade's hand in front of my face, a harsh whisper escaping her, "if you're gonna make me be here, at least be present." A perfectly done eyebrow raised in question as I blinked for a moment, adjusting to my surroundings once more. I nodded and slid into the booth- my seat across from Beck.

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