Chapter 11 (Edited)

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A couple years after


The two women stood at the edge of the altar, bright white bouquets adorned with diamonds in the center were grasped in their beautifully manicured hands. Tori had chosen a clear pink with diamonds all over the tips, her fiancée had chosen a similar design but her nails were white instead of pink.

The clack clack of everyone's shoes was audible in the spacious cathedral. Jade had been against the idea of religion at the start but Tori had been raised Catholic, per her mother's Latin family. Thus, she too, believed in religion in small ways.

The brunette shifted her weight from her right leg to her left, white mermaid dress swishing with her movements. The floral pattern all around went hand in hand with her curled hair, some of it down to frame her face. 

Jade wasn't any better. She mimicked her fiancée's movements. The raven-haired beauty's mermaid dress shimmered against the sunlight, the richness of the red color stunning in daylight.

The priest, a lady who's dark skin glowed against the sun and smile was unfaltering, cleared her throat. "We are gathered here today to witness this important ceremony between two souls." She looked about nervously but the two women had eyes for only the other, "If there is anyone that shall object, please do so now."

In the distance, Tori noticed a black speck adorned by a mop of shaggy hair. She groaned internally as Beck halted right in front of the altar. "I object," He spoke. His voice was gruff and thick with emotion.

Jade's eyes blazed with anger, nostrils flaring as she observed him. "How dare you?" she whispered.

Beck's eyes glinted with tears, "I object. She is—," he turns around and faces the goth, "I'm still in love with you. We are meant to be together."

Jade's fingers shake as she holds on to her bouquet more tightly, "I am not in love with you."

That was the wrong thing to say. His eyes blazed just as bright as Jade's and his hands came into full view. He stalked up the dais toward her, shoving Tori out of the way when she protectively stepped in front of her fiancée.

 "I wanted to do this the easy way but it seems you aren't willing to cooperate."

Jade struggled to hold her own as Beck pried the flowers from her fingers and moved Tori from her protective stance. She kicked and screamed in the air, trying to get his gross fingers off of her but to no avail. 

The crowd was screaming now, yelling, everybody was calling out to one another. To call the police, to help the bride, to go do something but no one actually helped and as poor Jade's eyes fell onto her fiancée's she saw the hopelessness, the desperate red-rimmed eyes of her lover that tore her apart.

She didn't want to stress her more. She didn't want Tori to have to suffer like this every single day of their lives if Beck was around. So she let her body go limp. Let herself fall into the arms of her captor.

But he was not fooled by her display, though many in the audience were. He whispered in her ear, "If you try anything, I will find you."

She did not nod, or make a noise of ascent as she was slung over his shoulder. She felt the tears running down her face, felt the saltiness seep into her tongue. 

She was being put in the back of a car, of Beck's car. How much farther would this go?

To be continued 

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