Chapter 10

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While Marcus was away, Hermione missed him terribly. Despite helping Harry try to decipher the clue of the second task, Marcus is always on her mind. It makes her wonder, is it okay to miss a person this much? So, she tried hard not to, but the missing and longing didn't seem to go away. This ache in her heart is a prelude for when he graduates. It's terrible. Her days just don't seem right without him.

But there's something about their first kiss, their tight hugs, and late-night conversations that she'll never forget. No matter how far Marcus goes, those memories will be near. He has a place in her heart that no one else can have. Her Slytherin doesn't just fit into her world. He belongs there. That's when the realization dawned that missing someone is a part of loving them.

Love is a category Hermione has explicitly stayed away from. But she can't help it. These new thoughts and feelings are begging to be pondered. The idea of Marcus not being at Hogwarts next school year brings her to tears. It's unfathomable, and yet it's happening. He's doing so well in charms and arithmancy due to figuring out his underlying learning problem. He'll do well on his NEWTS this time, so graduation looms large.

Then it's quidditch tryouts, in which a team will for sure pick him up to sign a contract. There's no way a team won't do so unless he totally bombs out, but that won't happen. So basically, Marcus Flint will be out of her life in the foreseeable future. And no matter how painful the thought of the distance will be, not having him in her life would be so much worse.

Why would he want to spend time with his high school girlfriend? Especially when he could date witches close to his own age. Pretty soon, Marcus will forget her like last week's lunch. That's the other way Hermione knew this new feeling was love. His happiness is important to her, even if she isn't a part of it. It's funny because she always thought Harry was her best friend, but he's not. Harry is the brother she always wanted, and Marcus is her best friend. He knows her better than she knows herself. She's freaking in love with her best friend, and it's terrifying. Finally, Hermione understands all the love songs, movies, and books. This is what love feels like.

Needing a breather, the thoughtful Gryffindor gathered a book and left the dorm to read in the common room. And she really wished she hadn't because, after all these days, Lavender noticed the bracelet Marcus gave her for Christmas. The annoying girl pointed at it and said, "He gave it to you, didn't he? Krum did. That's so romantic but not practical. The guy is leaving at the end of the school year. You'll never see him again. Don't kid yourself, Hermione. He'll be in Bulgaria and on the quidditch circuit dating other witches. Who wants a witch that's still in school?"

Those words cut to the quick more than Lavender would ever know. Snapping her book closed, Hermione met Ginny and Luna's eyes from across the way. With a subtle motion of her head, Ginny got up and led the way. The blonde and brunette followed the red-head to her dorm room, where they sat on the bed and enclosed themselves with the bed curtains and silencing spells. With Harry busy researching for the second task and writing to Sirius, Hermione desperately needs someone to talk to for advice.

With a slender finger, Ginny also pointed to the bracelet and said something different from Lavender. "All three of us know that isn't from Krum but Marcus Flint. It's beautiful, by the way. I can't believe I didn't notice it before now. That shows how observant I am." She shook her head at the absurdity.

Then Luna shared, "I knew everything would work out in the end. It always does if one is patient enough. I'm glad Marcus's frobbskumpings didn't let his father's figgles get to him. Plus, it appears they protected you too."

Hermione thought Luna was finished with her weird creature mutterings, but she wasn't. Instead, the blonde explained something profound. For all the nonsense the Ravenclaw speaks of, she can equally say the most heartfelt and keen statements. "Your bracelet is stunning. Knots are common in jewelry design, you know. The symbolism behind the act of tying a knot is binding. It's a metaphor for love in many cultures and is a symbolic gesture signifying the union of two lovers. Knots themselves are an unbreakable pledge and eternal connection--- no beginning and no end. Each is moving forward but always remaining inseparable. Your bracelet means Marcus loves you very much."

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