Chapter 25

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A person can spend a lot of time searching for reasons and answers to questions that are mainly unanswerable. You can't find what's not there, even if you look for it high and low. If the answers are meant to be seen, they will be. It's the same with life's journey and destiny. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will. But if it's meant for you, no matter how far you flee or where you're at, it will find you. No one else can take it.

Just keep walking, and eventually, you'll end up where you're supposed to be, surrounded by those you're meant to be with, doing what you should be doing in life. The thing about that is, you don't have to go looking for it. It comes to you, sometimes in unexpected ways. That's what Hermione knows to be true because magic and Marcus found her. Her life's journey has brought her to this point in time, where despite the effort of researching the deep magic, she couldn't find it. And out of the blue, she wound up at Rose House with two of the Rosemont sisters. Everything came at the perfect time, in the most unpredictable ways.

Right now, she's a girl on the cusp of change--- monumental life change. It began in a large sitting room with an ornate pink marble fireplace and a massive crystal chandelier hanging overhead. A silver serving tray filled with plum cakes and glazed orange-vanilla scones sat on an intricately carved wooden coffee table. Dainty white cloth napkins with lace detailing sit beside dessert plates and a carafe filled with fresh minty rose water. The low table separated the different sections of the room: two sofas and two armchairs, all tied together with an enormous area rug. Hermione sat on one of the sofas, a plush, soft beige, listening to Amelia speak of the Rosemont heritage and deep magic.

"Sweet Girl," said the eldest sister with her hair piled in a bun, "unless your desire had been for the deep magic, you wouldn't have sought so long and so faithfully for it. Everyone finds what they truly seek."

Cecilia hummed in agreement. The younger sister declared, "You've been seeking it your whole life, Hermione. When the truth is, it's already found you."

Stupified, the young witch sat there, bubbling over with questions. "But how is that possible? How could it have found me when I don't even know what it is or how to recognize it?" she wanted to know. There are things about this that she just doesn't understand. When she doesn't understand something, it drives her bonkers.

Amelia, who sat with her ankles crossed like a fine lady, responded, "Those who are ignorant and feeble-minded only comprehend popular magic--- the magic of today. But the deep magic lives and thrives with those who bear the facets of complex knowledge and truth. It takes a strong person to prune its depths because it's purer and stable."

Then Cecilia chimed in. "You see, Hermione, popular magic came from somewhere. New spells, new ways, new ideas, and creations like vitality potion number nine have a form of the deep magic but are not fully representative of it. Sometimes it's even a fake imitation. Everything in our wizarding world has a part of the deep magic but is not thoroughly, wholly immersed. And it won't be ever again, so it comes to those of us to keep the deep magic alive. What you see as good and worthy adhering to a magical moral code only begins to touch the deep magic's surface. It's only a teeny tiny, itty bitty part of the truth."

That left Hermione floored. She sunk into the sofa cushions, feeling a sort of smallness about her. If all the things like patronuses, star charts, and spells to keep the darkness at bay only skim the top of the deep magic, then there's a lot to learn. And she does. The young witch desires to learn all about this older form of magic.

Ms. Amelia spoke up again. In her right hand was a pair of pearl and tortoise-rimmed eyeglasses. She tapped them lightly on her leg. "We must table our discussion until our other two sisters arrive. They are on their way. I think you will like them as well, Hermione. Idalia is closer in age to Cecilia but is the baby of the family. She's married with kids and grandkids running around everywhere. Idalia has a tender heart and is sensitive to the gift of sight. Then there's Natalia. She's about five years younger than me. She's sharp as a tack in her mind---"

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