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Caitlyn's POV

"Ready to go" I asked quietly

"Yeah come on babe" Shawn said

We started walking Hayes was in front of us. He looked mad because Shawn put his arm around me in a friendly way but I don't know why he was mad.

We got into rental cars and Hayes hurried into the one with Madison so I was going to have to ride in a car by myself.

"I'll go with you Caitlyn" Shawn said

"It's okay I can go alone" I said

"There isn't anymore seats free" he said

"Oh" I said and he got in

As we were driving Shawn put and my my thigh then looked at me.

"Hayes does like you" He said

"Mhmm" I said

"He does. I over heard Nash and him talking and he said the only reason he's dating Madison is because you don't like him. But he was siting by your bedside the whole time. We have to force him to eat. He wouldn't shower, sleep, barely talked, he never went to the bathroom. The most he did with talking was telling us he didn't want to go anywhere or eat because his appetite and he just cried and when your heart stopped he became a bigger wreck.

The second time your heart stopped was when you woke up but Nash and Cam forced him out. He blamed himself for you being in a coma and getting hurt. Caitlyn, Hayes loves you" he said and my eyes were glossy

"Really" I chocked out

"Yeah" he said

"And how could it possible be his fault? I'm the one who didn't have the seatbelt on in time" I said

"He said he could have caught you sooner" he said

"Well if he didn't catch me when he did I would be dead so he is actually my hero" I said

"Yup" he said and the car stopped

We got out and Shawn put his hand around me again and we walked into Ihop. We got into two booths but like always I didn't have any room to sit down.

"I'll sit with you" Cameron said

"Okay" I said

We ordered but it took a long time for our food to come out so Cameron and I started talking about stuff.

"So you have been looking sad since you got out of the hospital... Is it because of Hayes" he asked

"Kinda. He was leading me on telling me him and Madison are just friends.. He acted like he liked me but in the back of my head I knew it would never happen I mean come on look at me... Who would ever like me" I said and looked down

"Listen Cait you are not ugly you are beautiful and Hayes does like you he just don't know you like him too" he said

"That's what Shawn but I thought he was just saying that but I guess not" I said then our food came and we ate and left.

Same car routine me and Shawn in a separate car. Next time we will have to get mini vans because I don't like being in a separate cars from the rest of the guys.

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