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When we got back to the hotel I went to my room. Hayes and Madison walked because Hayes sleeps in there too.

I was just sitting there on my phone and Hayes got up and went into the bathroom.

"Caitlyn" Madison said

"Yeah" I smiled

"Stay away from Hayes you little bitch he's mine. So don't think he likes you or anything. And if you don't I will make your life a living hell" she said rudely

Before I could say anything Hayes walked out and sat down and Madison sat on his lap and they started kissing.

I got up and left the room I was going to go to one of the boys rooms but I didn't want to so I walked down the hallway.

I got to the elevator and went to the top floor. When I got up there which was a little room with an amazing view. I stopped biting on my lip to make me stop from crying and I broke down.

I sat on the little couch by the window and brought my knees to my chest and cried.

Eventually I cried myself to sleep..

When I woke up my phone was going crazing with text and calls. I looked at it and it was from the boys except Hayes.

I decided to FaceTime Cameron.

"Where are you" he asked

"I-I'm on the top floor" I started and bit my lip so I wouldn't start crying because in the background I see Hayes and Madison because all the boys were behind him.

"We'll be right up" he said and hung up

"My only friend and I flushed it down the toilet" I mumbled to my self.

But I promised Hayes.... But he promised he would never forget about me and he's on the path of forgetting about me.

All of a sudden the door burst open and I see the guys along with Mahogany and Madison.

The guys and Mahogany crowded around me while Hayes and Madison left.

"Why are you crying babe" Mahogany asked and I tried to speak but I just cried harder

"It's Hayes" Cameron said and wrapped his arms around and I leaned on him.

They all comforted me while I cried and then I heard people come in.

"Your not supposed to be up here" he said and I could tell it was the staff or whatever.

"Sorry" we said and left

It was 5pm and we still haven't ate so we decided to go to eat then come back and get ready for our plane because we had to cancel Magcon due to our accident.

Anyways we got in the cars and Hayes had to get a separate car with Madison.

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