Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


The bed was my comfort. I would know. I had barely left in in two weeks. My life consisted of crying..bawling...and screaming into my pillow.

I still could not believe that Davis would do this to me. Or could I? It was not so much that he held a secret affair with my closest friend for however long.

It was the mere fact that he was capable of it. There was no guilt attached to him. Nothing. He was really living a double life. Correction," a single life.

This is why I needed to get my butt up out of the bed and start living my life again. Last week I had put out Davis's and his Mothers belonging to the curb. On trash day of course.

I sat on the sofa,peering out of the window,a wide smile on my face as I watched all of their shit get dumped. I had not smiled since.

I was to tired of being taken as a joke. Like my threats meant nothing? He did not even have the decency to come collect his shit! Oh no.. good old Shaynah would never dispose of it.

No one had called me either. My phones rested on Davis's side of the bed. Perched high on his pillow and it had not lit up once.

Not even Carely had called me. This is what it felt like to be utterly alone? The feeling that not one single person on this planet gives a damn about you.

So today I would be heard. Today I would start to live again. After all I was free. Is this not what I had wanted for years now? Freedom. Peace and quiet?

It was just so lonely.... I guess that I had not factored that in but it dawned on me. Since I was free I could do as I pleased. Why wasn't I?

"Don't you ever get to thinkin you're irreplaceableeeeeeeeeeeeeee. To the left! Mmmmm." I hummed Beyonce's old tune as I left the comfort of my bed.

After a quick shower, I feed Dookie and decided to call Carely. The phone went right to voice mail. "Wow." I muttered.

"Okayyyyy." I exhaled. I would see if she was online. There had to be some reason for her ignoring me right?

I logged on eagerly. "Oh!" My face lit up with happiness. She has left me messages. I scanned each one of them.Not very informative but just enough to let me know that she was thinking about me. She was online. I figured out how to reach her by simply going to where ever she was.

My fingers shook as I invited her to a chat. When she accepted I let out a loud "Wooo!" noise, that scared the life out of my poor Dookie.

I did not want to see her online persay. I wanted to speak to her in person. At least on the phone. I was lonely.

I asked her to come see me. To come to my home. I invited her to spend the night. I just did not want to be alone.

Before she could ask or even say no. I had typed out my address. Damn near begging her for this visit.

She agreed to drive out and come see me and I was relieved. I was getting what I wanted, which was attention... and companionship. Love? Well I was not sure if I could ever let myself feel that emotion again.

All I knew was that I was down for everything else. Or so I thought.




Hey people! I just wanted to take out a minute and say thank you for all of the votes! Thank you to those of you that commented.

How about some more? Yeah... I'm greedy! If you have not followed me but are reading this story, how about you follow me?

Anyway... enough of that shit. You know me begging for votes/comments/fans.

I have a question and its serious! I was thinking of doing a point of view for Carely. I don't usually do that but for some odd reason I feel like Carely needs to be heard.What do you think about that? Good idea? Or bullshit? Smiles. So.. Shaynah and Davis are no more and I know damn well some of you are happy about that.

Do you think that I should explain more of Davis and Ericas secret love affair/love child or let bygones be bygones?

Also I will be adding a new Character in soon. I need a name! So let me tell you just a teeny bit. It will be a woman. Lesbian. Stud. Bamm! So... I need a name.... A feminine name that will be her real one and a unisex one that will suit her personality, that being of a woman that rocks out some timbs etc.

So give me two names! Best name will get chosen. You don't even have to leave me a long ass comment. Unless you want to. For example : Alyssa-Ali See how that combo sucks? This is why I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you guys!

Any other thoughts or feedback would also be appreciated. This is indeed my first Lesbian story so if you have and hints, I am so down to hear them!


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