Chapter 2 - Running Away

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Toga's p.o.v - 4 years ago

The night I ran away.

"Himiko, you need to stop being such a brat!" my mother yelled at me. "Go to your room!"

I was only 12, this all started when I got my quirk.

"But- Mom, I'm starving-" I tried protesting, my dad started slowly walking towards me. I already knew what he would do if I didn't obey orders. I ran up the stairs and slammed the door shut.

"Ungrateful Brat." I heard dad say. "She's just gonna climb out the window and go suck blood out of an animal again."

"Who cares? She'll come running back. Like always. She's a disgusting whore. She'll never be my daughter." I heard mom reply, holding back tears.

I grabbed a pair of clothes, my money, shoes, coat and phone. I opened the window and hopped out.

"I'm done." I started walking into the darkness. I turned and looked back at the house. I turned back around and started walking again.

"This time, I'm never coming back." I muttered.

Your p.o.v

I parked the car and went into the C-mart for a few groceries. The store looked open but no customers not even employees were inside. (Que the murder scene ^^ Jkjk)

I walked around the store picking up food, occasionally looking at the grocery list Mika wrote. I started heading to the front of the store, to the check-out center.

I pressed the bell that said "Ring me for assistance!! :)"

"I'm sorry, sir/ma'am! Give me a second!" A man's voice came from the back office. A middle aged man shortly came out with a young blonde hair girl trailing behind him. "Sorry sir, we're so short-handed right now. I was just hiring- uh-" the man looks at the girl.

"Hiyku Toga. I'm 19." she replied, brushing a hair behind her ear.

"Damn. She's cute. Wait- why am I thinking that?" I thought, my focuses were only on college, a good career and my future. "I haven't thought about a girl being cute since my last girlfriend." I shoved the thoughts into the back of my brain.

"Well, Hiku. You said you had experience with being a cashier so go do your job!" the middle aged man went to the back office and closed the door.

"Sorry about all this." Toga did a small bow, "So cute." My face heated up.

"It's totally fine!!" I flushed.

"Is something wrong? Your face is extremely red." she pointed out while checking my groceries out.

"Haha, no, its just-" Toga gave me a look. "Uh, I ran here. Needed to get my miles in." I laughed. (Nice save really, totally not weird at all)

"Oh that kinda makes sense. Maybe I should get back into exercising too." She gave me a small smile.

"So tell me a little about yourself." I said, starting a conversation.

"What is there to know?" Toga replied. I faked a shocked expression, I want to get a laugh out of this girl.

Toga looked confused, "There's nothing to know about you?" I asked, she shrugged. "Favorite color? Favorite food? Favorite book or movie? Cats or dogs?" I continued,

"Red. I don't have a favorite food, I like almost all food. I haven't read a book in forever, I like action and thriller movies, and I like both cats and dogs, but I like cats more." She smiled, I looked at her, thinking.

A blush crept onto Toga's face, "Did I say something wrong??" she said flustered.

"Not one thing you said was wrong." my hand automatically reached out as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I realized what I did and quickly but reassuringly pulled my hand back. "Sorry." I muttered.

"Its fine." she smiled a little bit more. "Your turn."

"My turn?" I stood confused.

"Yeah, I told you some things about me, now its your turn."

"Uh-" I rubbed my neck. "My favorite color is F/C. I love F/F. My favorite book is F/B. Favorite movie is F/M. I like cats/dogs/both. I attend Hitasori College. I'm 20 and my name is Y/N F/N." (Hitasori is the city you live in and where the story takes place. No, its not a real city or College. All made up ^^)

"Woah." Toga said in return, now it was my turn to be shocked and flustered.

"Did I say something wrong?" I flushed, she gave a small giggle. I grinned.

"Nope. You got a lot of things going on for you. I actually just rented an apartment near the Hitasori College, I think. I'm new to this city, so it isn't easy for me right now." I nodded.

"I know what its like. Being new, an outcast. Not just being new to the city when I first moved here. But my parents were always moving to different places. So I didn't get to stay in school long enough to make any friends." I leaned against the counter and looked out the shop windows.

Toga looked away blushing slightly more.

I looked back, "I live in an apartment by Hitasori, maybe you live in the same building. Do you want a ride home?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes.

"Oh. Uhm-" She thought about it. "Yeah sure, why not?"

A/N : Thank you guys for 15 reads lmao didn't think it'd even get 5. Morgen wanted fluff in Chapter 2 so here I present some more fluff! Just wait for future Chapters folks, things are about to get hella wild. Chapter 3 will come out shortly. Thank you guys for reading! 

Word Count : 907 words

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