Chapter 1 - Disbanded

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Toga's p.o.v

"What do we do now?" I asked Spinner. "With Touy- Dabi in custody, Twice, One for All, Mr. Compress, and Shiggi dead..." I trailed off, these emotions were raging inside of me, these emotions felt like the same emotions I had when I ran away from home.

"There's nothing left of the LOV." Spinner spat,

"You think I don't know that?" My voice rising, I needed to calm down.

"THERE'S NOTHING LEFT FOR US, TOGA. NOTHING." Spinner punched the wall next to him. "Everyone's gone and it's my fault." He whispered

"Spinner, it wasn't your fault, it was the damn heroes fault." I replied, we both knew that it wasn't the heroes fault either.

"You've changed so much, Toga. There's nothing left for us, I hereby disband the league of villains." Spinner turned away from me,

"What!? You can't be serious, Spinner!" I grabbed his arm before he could walk away.

"Toga, you've changed but for the better. Go find a new life, a life that fills you with purpose." and with that, Spinner was gone for good.

I sat on the ground, shocked by what all has happened. "A new life? How is that possible for someone like me?" I thought,

"You've changed for the better."

"Please, One for All, I want a normal life!"

"You've done the LOV good, Toga."

Spinner's, mine, and Shiggi's words pounded at my head.

"No, this isn't the end." I got up off the ground and dusted off my pants, "This is my chance to have a normal life."

Your p.o.v

"Hurry up, Y/N! Don't you have classes?" My roommate yelled from the other room.

"Yeah I do! I'm almost ready!" I yell back at her, I went into the main apartment area where my roommate was searching her purse for her keys.

"I'm gonna be working late tonight, can you pick up some groceries after your classes?" she asked in a rush, she pulled her keys out.

I open the door, "Yeah of course, after you." I followed her out and locked up the apartment.

"Thanks Y/N. I'll try to be home as soon as I can!" Mika gives me a quick unexpected hug, my face tinted a light pink from the surprise. Mika runs out the apartment building doors with me close behind her.

"Don't be an idiot!" Mika calls out her car window as she pulls out and drives away.

"No promises!" I hop into my own car and head to campus.

Toga p.o.v

"Dammit, where is it?" I was searching in LOV's old HQ, we always kept fake IDS and extra money in a small locked up metal box. I pushed a half-shattered floor board up.

"Bingo." I pull out the metal box, I grab my fake identity card and the money. "Looks like Spinner already took his ID." A wave of pain crashed into my heart. These emotions, they're new to me. Some I don't understand, some I remember of when I was a little kid. Before I got my quirk.

I pull out my knife from its holder and cut half of my hair off. The ID photo looked exactly like me but shorter hair, different eye colors and glasses. My last name was still Toga but my first name was changed. Hiyku Toga. I grabbed the packet of contacts and put them in.

I pushed the glasses up onto my face, "Now I just need new clothes." I look down at my shredded clothing. Its so weird, losing my quirk, even not having a quirk at all. I'm a different person, I realized. No, I'm still me, but without the lust for blood.

I started walking away from the destroyed HQ towards a bus stop. "Was it my quirk that made me crazy?" I thought, "It was apart of it. The true reason was because of my parents."

I see a thrift store near the next bus stop, "Next step, new clothes."

A/N : Hey readers! Thank you for reading the first chapter! I'm sorry for the first chapter to be so short! I thought I added my maxium opacity for drama! The next chapter is longer and gonna be filled with even more drama! Get ready ^^

Word Count - 685 Words

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