Cheer Camp

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Hira POV

          I leave the bus with my sister, Addison, and Bree.
"Oh hi there! I'm Hiraeth, but I go by Hira since my name isn't exactly sister is Addison as you know and we were both born with white hair, well kinda. Addi's hair is entirely white while mine tends to turn white as the years go on. Not fully, yet. Also! I have a soulmate. Soulmates are rare and only a few people a year get them. I was lucky enough to be able to find mine, but it comes with a catch. I can't see color until my soulmate and I make eye contact for the first time
..Anyways, welcome to cheer camp" I join Bree as she runs to the front. Everyone congregates on the porch and everyone is split once Bucky, my cousin, cuts through the crowd. Everyone cheers except for me and he quiets everyone down quickly.
"You've all heard the stories of bloodthristy monsters who roam these woods..feasting! On innocent cheerleaders" Bucky starts then the Aceys jump from behind Bonzo and Bree yelling "BOO" making the two hug each other after screaming. I smile at them and can't wait for my soulmate even more. I get a feeling of being watched and look at the forest going into a trance and feeling the urge to go in. Apparently I was in the trance for longer than I thought since what snapped me back to reality was Addi gently tugging me to be beside her next to Bree as we're split into two teams. The vets and the Z-team. I don't listen to Bucky as he speaks and zones out again but this time playing with my rings. You see, I have ADHD so my attention can waver depending on if I take my medicine or not...same with my amount of energy, I forgot to take my medicine today and I forgot to pack it as this week will be hell for me. I'm knocked by into reality once Lacey pushes me while running infront of me saying
"Watch and learn snowball and mutt" everyone thinks I'm a werewolf because of my hair. But I don't share any other attributes, dispute the fact that my hair is getting whiter as the weeks go on now a days..


Hira POV

Addi, Bree, and I join the rest on the bus to home after winning cheer camp. Bree and Addi sit together so I join Bonzo in the back. He lets me sit by the window knowing I like to look out it. As the bus leaves the camp I look at the different shades of black and grey with a small sigh. Bonzo tries to talk to me a bit but I end up zoning out for the majority of the ride until I hear screaming and end up seeing my best friend Zed hanging from a window infront of Addi. The bus swerves making me smack against the window hitting my head off it. Bonzo drops what he was doing and hugs me so neither of us get injured. He holds my head to his shoulder and I end up on his lap as the bus stops. I move so I'm now standing in the aile and Bucky, my cousin, screams out
"Nothing can happen to me! I'm to important!" He jumps out of the bus back door almost hitting me out of the door until Bonzo pulled me to sit, I end up on his lap and move again. Addi yells for Zed and jumps out the door as well, but not landing on her face unlike my cousin. I follow her but end up loosing her for a bit, I stops and begin to walk before I hear rustling behind me. I turn and suddenly hit with colors?

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