The Plan

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"GUYS!! SHE'S BACK!!" Dustin calls out from the living room. "Holy shit!' I scramble out of the room to where Nancy is now climbing down the rope, along with Steve. 


"He showed me.." Nancy says, the emotion drained out of her voice. We're all sitting around on the couch in Max's trailer, listening to Nancy explain what Vecna showed her while she was in that whole trance thing. We're just lucky he didn't kill her! But... when is he coming for me? 

I know it's coming. I can feel it. Every time I turn around, I can see that damn clock. It's driving me mad.

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet, the most awful things." Nancy continues on, her face pale with worry. "I saw a dark cloud... spreading over Hawkins. Downtown was on fire, dead soldiers.. and this giant creature.. with a gaping mouth." She pauses for breath. 

The whole room is silent, no one dares speak a word. Everyone has their attention set on this whole Vecna vision... and the possibility of it coming true. 

"And this creature wasn't alone, there were so many monsters... an army. And they were coming into Hawkins, into our neighborhoods, our homes. And then... he showed me my mom... and Holly." A tear rolls down her cheek as she says this. 

"Mike... and they- they were all-" Her voice cracks, she doesn't dare say the last part. She just shakes her head with silent tears and looks down. I can't even begin to imagine seeing my dad like that... dead. My dad is the only one I have left, I don't know what I'd do if he were gone... he's the reason I keep going every day. 

"Okay, but...he's just trying to scare you, Nance." Steve says, trying to reassure her that it was all just something Vecna made up. "Right? I mean, It's not real." He puts emphasis on the word 'real'. 

"Not yet... but there was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates, spreading across Hawkins. And these gates, they looked like the one outside Eddie's trailer, but... they didn't stop growing."

This can't actually happen... right? I really hope this was just something to scare Nancy with...

"This wasn't the upside down Hawkins, this was OUR Hawkins, our home." Nancy finishes explaining, her voice all choked from sucked up tears. 

"Four chimes." Max says, coming to realize something. "Huh?" I turn to her, intrigued. "Vecna's clock. It always chimes four times, four exactly." 

Come to think of it, she's totally right. I always hear it four times... does that mean something or does Vecna just really love the number four??

"I heard them too." Nancy adds in. Same here, It's annoying as hell. "He's been telling us his plan this whole time" Max says, her arms still crossed. "Four kills." Lucas mutters ominously. "Four gates... end of the world" He adds. 

"If that's true... he's only one kill away." Dustin says, shaking his head. A sinking feeling overcomes my stomach. "That means I'm next.. Or Max for that matter, she got away right? So Vecna's gotta choose his favorite." I groan, burying my face in my hands as I sit on this uncomfortable couch. 
"Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ!!" Eddie grabs fistfuls of his hair as if he's going to pull them out. "Try 'em again, try 'em again." Steve sighs, signalling for Max to try and call the girl with the powers who is all the way in California!! We've been trying to call them forever, yet no response. 

"Anything?" Dustin questions, looking at Max who just slammed the phone back on the wall. "No, rang a few times then went to busy signal." She shrugs, plopping back down on the chair she was previously sat on. "Maybe you punched it wrong, try it again." Steve gestures, a hopeful glint in his tired eyes. 

"I didn't punch it in wrong!" Max scoffs, rolling her eyes. "Well, I don't know!" Steve raises his hands up in an impatient gesture. "Dude, I think she knows how to use a phone." Dustin adds. "I'm just saying, she could have typed it in wrong." Steve says, further trying to prove his case.

Max stands back up, trying the phone yet again, though there's still no answer. "Same shit!" She slams the phone back even harder. "How is that possible?" Lucas sighs. 

Oh my god I just want to smother myself with one of these stupid throw pillows that is pressed up against my back on this stupid couch!!

"Whatever's happening in Lenora is connected to all of this, I'm sure of it." I hear Nancy say as she looks out the window. "But Vecna can't hurt them, not if he's dead..." 

Oh no, what is she scheming now?? "We have to go back in there. Back to the upside down." She says, a stern look on her face. "Fuck no!" I shout, sitting up from where my head was in my hands. "No no no no no no!!" Eddie starts ranting. Pretty much everyone is protesting this. 

"Let's think this through!" Steve stands up to face Nancy. "What is there to think through??!" She asks, totally oblivious to the fact that we were almost MURDERED!! "We barely made it out of there!" Steve complains. "Yeah because we weren't prepared! This time we'll have weapons and all the things we need! We'll go through that gate, we'll find his lair, and we'll kill him!" Nancy argues back. 

"Ugh this is like watching my parents divorce all over again." I roll my eyes, leaning back on the couch. "Heh, yeah it sure is like that." Eddie agrees, putting his left arm around my shoulders while he also leans back.

"He only let you live because he you wanted to! He's not scared of us!" I hear Steve snap back. "And for good reason." Robin chimes in, standing up from the floor. "We were wrong about Vecna- Henry- one.. sorry what are we calling him now?" She asks, unsure. Everyone gives a totally different answer. 

"We've learned something new about Henry-slash-Vecna-slash-one. He's a number like eleven. Only a sick, evil, male, child-murdering, version of her with really bad skin! But my point is that he's very powerful! He could turn us inside out with the snap of a finger, it's not a fair fight!" She continues to rant on. 

Oh yeah, turns out this Vecna guy is very interesting... though I understand why he's like this, I'd go insane too if my name was Henry. "Then why fight fair?" Dustin asks, making a point. "Yeah he's like eleven, but that gives us an upper hand. We know eleven's strengths, but we also know her weaknesses."

"Yeah but eleven is a fourteen year old child. Vecna is who knows how old, he's gotta be a lot stronger... even still, you're right. He probably does have similar weaknesses... yet he's a lot less weak at those weaknesses..." I say, totally mixing my words and messing up. That probably made no sense whatsoever.  


A bunch of mumbo-jumbo later, we finally get into a good part of the conversation. Our plan. Max just went on about how if she ditches the song she's been playing over and over, then she'll be perfect bait. "Max no.. you can't." Lucas interjects, 

"I can." I shrug. "Ha, funny joke Y/n, but no. I have you covered, you're not doing anything stupid so don't even think about it!" Eddie says, pulling out a walkman and a cassette tape that says 'LOVE GUN' on it out of his pocket. "How did you-"

"I made a loop of it last night before we came here, you're all set." He grins, placing the stuff on my lap, and pulling me closer. "Okay well I guess whoever is Vecna's favorite gets to be bait." Steve shrugs, obviously done with this conversation. 

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