Fresh new start

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"Are we there yet?" I whine to my mother "Almost" she said calmly "When are we ever gonna stop hoping from house to house, aren't you annoyed with how many times this has happened"

"Its a fresh start for the both of us and I guarantee it will be permanent, you know, this could be really good for us plus Denver is a very nice town, you'll love it", dad was never in the picture so me and mom have been moving hoping from town to town getting new houses and jobs every so once in a while, i'm quite use to moving so its not so much of a surprise when she says were moving again but their's nothing I can do about it

I stare out the window zoning out and thinking about how life is gonna be here, will it be good or completely shitty? and what about this shitty ass school im going too, am I gonna make friends?

I put on my Walkman on and listen to Stand by me as I drift too sleep

"Honey wake up" I hear my mom say as she repeatedly taps my shoulder, I force my eyes to open as my mom pulls into our driveway, the house is average, definitely better than the last house we had, it was red, long and a two story house, some of the shingles looked like they were about to fall off but at least I have a roof over my head

I step out of the car and help my mother bring the boxes in, I see this boy walking with his sister I think?, he's about 5'6 to 5'7, brown curly hair, nice smile, looks about my age and oh shit they walking over here

"Hello, I'm Finney Blake and this is my sister Gwen" the boy says as he puts out his hand for me to shake "Oh nice to meet you guys, i'm y/n, you live around here?" I say as I shake his hand back "Yeah we live just down there" Finney says as he points to his house that's just a few houses down "Ok well first of all I have no idea where anything is so about you show me around town in about an hour?" I say nervously "Yeah I can do that" Finney smiles "Okay sounds good" I smile back at him "Later y/n" Finney says as him and Gwen walk back to their house

"Who's that boy you were talking too" my mom says while she smirks "Just the neighbour's and I already know what you're thinking and I do not wanna hear it" I say looking at her like she's crazy "Well he's cute and clearly you two were flirting with all of that smiling" my mom says grinning "Oh my god mom, he was just being polite" I say with an annoyed tone "So you two are going on a date later, I see" she says grinning "Not a date, just him showing me around, you know i can have friends that are guys without dating them"

"I'm only teasing, well at least finish getting the boxes in and then you can go out" she says as I grab more of the boxes putting them into my room

All of the big furniture was already moved into the house so I was so happy to see my bed again, as soon as I finished with those boxes I exhaustedly fall onto my bed and stare up into the ceiling thinking "congrats y/n you made a friend"


"Y/N THE CUTE BOY IS HERE FOR U!" my mom yells, I quickly get off of my bed and see Finney standing at the door way as we walk away together "Sorry about my mom, she's just like that" I say as I scratch the back of my neck "Dont worry about it" Finney look at me and laughs

"Okay well this is our shit place of a school" Finney says looking at the school "Well ur right about it looking like shit and I bet it's even worse on the inside" I say just staring at the school "Trust me it is, if I were you I would get out of this town as soon as possible before taking one step into that school, it's wild"

Still staring at the school, I see another boy, he looks a little bit more taller than Finney, has a bandana on, shoulder length black ish brown ish hair and looks about mine and Finney age, if i'm being honest, he's like fine as fuck

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