70's Hairspray

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I woke up to the noise of my shitty alarm clock, I turn to my side to turn it off and see the time, 7:30 and it also happens to be first day of fucking hell

I started getting ready for school then ran out the door making my way to the shit hole of school, I did a little run to catch up with Gwen and Finney as we walk to school together "Hey guys" I say greeting them "Are you excited" Gwen asked "Absolutely not" I sigh

"Well anyways back to what I was saying. Everyone says Fonzie or Richie, Millie says Potsie, but I don't think anyone should ever trust anyone who wants to grow up and marry Potsie, I think I'll just stick with my current plan and marry Danny Bonaduce"Gwen rants "Good luck with that" I say "You're not gonna marry a member of the Partridge family" Finney says to Gwen "He's so crucial, I love his voice" Gwen says

"It's new" Finney stops to looks at some piece of paper "What is" Me and Gwen turn around to see what he's talking about "The flyer"


"Griffin Stagg's? Who is that" I say confused "No idea" they both say at the same time "You don't think they're gonna find him, do you?" Finney says looking at Gwen "Not how they want to" Gwen says softly "Come on, let's go. We're gonna be late" I say to both of them, taking one last look at the poster

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" I hear kids chanting, we run over to the commotion, looks like Robin got himself into a fight

"You think you're so tough, huh?" this guy says to Robin

"Who is that guy?" I point over to the guy infant of Robin "His name is Moose, he's like the town bully" Gwen response "Who the fuck names their child Moose" I laugh

"Let's find out" Robin says back to him "I will pound you like a nail, you scrawny little bean.." Moose says, oh hell no he didn't, you can see peoples mouths becoming shapes of O's when he said that and other are murmuring

"Then do it" Robin says, Moose didn't do anything but just stare at him "Unless you're scared" just then he swings a punch at Robin but misses, Robin kicks him right in the face and his face hits a steal pole, Moose goes In for the punch but fails again and he keeps on trying to punch Robin but fails numerous times

"Get him Robin!" Gwen yells, Robin flips Moose onto his back and he groans "OOOHHH" you can hear other peoples excitement

Robin goes down to his level and punches him slowly over and over again

"Get him!" "Hit him harder!"

You can see the blood coming out of Moose's nose "Come on" Finney places a hand onto my shoulder signing for his to go "Holy shit" Gwen stares in amusement "Let's go let's go" We walk away from the fight

"What the hell, that was Moose" Gwen says "I don't care" Finney says "Moose is a giant asshole" Gwen said "Agreed" I say back

"And last year, he made Finney's nose bleed" Gwen says "Gwen." Finney sighs "Oh shit" I whisper "He had it coming" damn right he did "No one has that coming" Finney says softly "But Finney, he beat you up" Gwen says trying to convince him "I know Gwen, I just don't want to talk about it okay" Finney assured her

"Well, he was stupid to pick a fight with Robin" I say "He's the toughest kid in school, he could probably beat the Grabber" Gwen says

"I just wish you wouldn't call him that" Finney says to Gwen "Everyone calls him the toughest kid in school" Gwen response "No I mean..." Finney say softly "I know who you mean jerk face. Even the papers call him the Grabber" Gwen says

"Who's the Grabber?" I questioned "This man, or female goes around kidnaping, ever since today, Griffin was his second victim" Gwen response "So who was the first?" I asked "Billy the paper boy, he went missing about 2 weeks ago" Gwen says "Poor kid"

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