Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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Ever since that day he gave me the mixtape, me and Vance grew closer and closer, we were pretty much inseparable but still no kiss...

I grab some blankets and pillows cause Vance told me to bring them for some reason? Tonight their is a fair going on and as much as I would love to go, I'd rather spend the day with Vance

I put a coat of lipgloss on and brush my hair as I wait for the time to hit 8 o'clock, today's the day

The phone started to ring, I go downstairs and answer the phone "Wanna have a sleepover tonight?" it was Gwen "That was random but I'd love too" I lean against the wall "Okay great! Can you come over now?" Gwen asked "Oh shit I didn't tell you" I smile just from the thought of it "Why, what's going on?" Gwen says in a confused tone "So me and Vance have a date" I said "OH MY GOD WHATTTTT!" Gwen yells in excitement 

"Gwenth be quiet!" I could hear her dad yelling "Sorry dad" Gwen says softly "But oh my god" she whisper yells "Enough of that now, so i'll be there by like 10-ish maybe" I try to change the subject "Stop changing the subject, I literally tried to tell you he's in love with you" Gwen exclaims "No chance" just then I heard a honk outside, I looked out the window to see Vance "K I gotta go he's here" I say to Gwen "Don't forget to give him a big smooch"

I grab the blankets and pillows as I walk over to the car, his dads car was a pick up truck, so now I understand why he wanted pillows and blankets 

"Hey Bozo" Vance says as I enter the car 'Hey pinball Vance" "When will you ever stop calling me that" Vance sighs "Never" I chuckle

 "So are you excited for the movie" Vance asked "Oh yeah of course, but you on the other hand, your gonna be screaming like a baby" I response "I think its the other way around" Vance squints his eyes "Not even" I said 

"I'm like the toughest kid in the school, I don't shed tears or scream" Vance said confidently "Hmmm, actually I think its Robin" I corrected him "Well fuck Robin" Vance said with a passion "Hey don't talk shit about Robin like that" I said in a sad tone "Just messing with ya"

He pulls the car into the drive in and pays for our tickets, we also got a good view of the movie screen, we both get out of the car and put the blankets and pillows in the back of the truck kinda making a mini fort

We lay down side by side and pull the blankets over us as the movie starts

A few minutes into the movie, he puts his arm around me and I lay my head onto his shoulder, we stay like that for a while and I go back to watching the movie


 It was now about halfway through the movie and the suspense started to build up, I could feel something was about to jump out

I grabbed onto Vance shoulder and buried my head into his chest, I was right something did jump out 

"And you were the one saying I was gonna get scared" he whispers into my ear "I'm going to go get some snacks, what do you want?" I asked "Just get me a coke" he gave me a smile "Okay" I said as I walk over to the snack area 

While waiting in line, in the corner of my eye I see Robin, he gave me a smile then waved at me, I waved back at him "What can I get for you?" the worker asked "One coke and a kitkat" I response, the worker hands the soda and kitkat over and I walk back to our spot

"Here you go" I said as I hand him the coke "Thanks gorgeous" Vance cracks open his coke "Your welcome dipshit" I open my kitkat and took a bite leaving my other hand close to Vance's

I felt something touch my hand, I looked down and saw Vance's hand on top of mine trying to intertwine our fingers together "Uh I gotta use the bathroom, i'll be back soon" I said awkwardly and got up fast

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