The Lake

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I woke up to the thought of what happened last night, I never thought I would've hooked up with Vance Hopper neither becoming his girlfriend, was I his first? I mean surely not, he was quite experienced and very good, I would sell my soul to experience that again

I try to pull myself out of bed but I'm feeling sore and as soon as I got myself up, I went straight for the floor

Fuck he really took it seriously when I said don't be able to make me walk again

I slowly managed to pull myself up, very proud of myself

I mean my legs were sore as fuck and my back was practically broken, not complaining because it was one hundred percent worth it

I tried my best to get myself ready and succeeded, I grabbed my shoes and headed out

I caught with Finney and Gwen, should I tell them?

"Why are you walking like that?" Finney asked "Walking like what?" I questioned him "Like you just got fucked" Finny said "Pffff- what" I exaggerated "You and Vance did it, didn't you guys" Gwen assumed "Maybe, maybe not" I chuckle

"OH MY GOD! Is it big?" Gwen asked "Okay that is enough, so Finney, how are you and Donna?" I try to change the subject "Y/n tell me everything, I need details" Gwen asked "For the love of god, please shut the fuck up" I respond 

"It's going alright, I might ask her out on a date today" Finney says confidently "Wow, is Finney finally getting some bitches" I said in a sarcastic tone "I've been pulling bitches" he gave me a look "OKAY SURE BUDDY" me and Gwen burst out laughing "Shut up" he scoffed "Well I hope it goes well for you" I said "No you don't" Gwen chuckled 

We part our ways as we reach school, I walk to math class but just then I heard someone call out my name 

"Y/n!" I turned around to see Vance "Wanna skip?" he smirked "What's in it for me?" I questioned him "You'll see" He grabbed my hand as he lead us to a stall in the boys bathroom 

He grabbed my waist and pushed me up against the wall in the stall then looked me up and down, he cupped my face then went in for a passionate kiss and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back, he started to caresses my left thigh and made his way up

Just then we heard someone walk in and turned on a sink

He placed his lips on my neck, sucking on the side and in the middle gently "Stop it" I whispered, I pulled my hand close to his waistband, my finger was brushing close to his boxers

He grabbed me by the ass and lifted me up against the wall, leaving me with a moan 

"Uh hello?" we heard a voice

My eyes went wide open as Vance took his hand and placed it on my lips so I would be quiet 

"I don't know if your some kinda of sprit but I'm just trying to take a shit" the person ran out of the bathroom

"We gotta stop Vance" I sighed "Your no fun" I felt him grow a frown on my neck "I don't want to risk it" I said softly "Okay fine" he says as he stopped attacking my neck "Maybe later" he whispers in my ear 


"Did you guys hear the rumour about the boys bathroom being haunted?" Gwen mentions "What's that about" Finney asked "I don't know really but someone said they heard a moan in the bathroom and no one was there with them" Gwen said "Creepy" I knew exactly what she was talking about 

"I scored a date with Donna" Finney says "Your lying" I gasped "Nope" Gwen grabbed his shoulders and start to jump "Finney's got a date, Finney's got a date, Finney's got a date" she said repeatedly "Where at?" I questioned "Not telling you" he says "Why not" I whined "Because you guys are gonna stalk us" Finney says "He's not wrong" Gwen chuckles

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