The Last Call || Alternative Ending

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Make sure to read the other chapter first before reading this one, this starts after the grabber caught y/n


I woke up in that hard mattress beside Robin "Told you so" he said "At least I'm not dead" the door opened and the grabber threw the tray with a sprite and scrambled egg's on the floor "Enjoy these clean and fresh egg's" he threw a newspaper at me "Your are very welcome y/n" he leaves but this time he locks the door

I could hear Robin's belly rumbling and for the first time in forever, he actually got up, he started to pick up the egg's and placed them onto the plate 

just as he was gonna take a bite "Stop!" I yelled, he looked at me confused "Notice how he said fresh and clean, he definitely poisoned it or did something, do not risk it" I said "Why would you think that" Robin asked "Cause I just fucking ran away from him, you saw how mad he was right?" I took the plate of eggs and flushed it down the toilet

"I cannot stay in this shit hole forever, I have an idea" I suggested "I'm listening" he said 

"Okay so basically we take Billy's wire and make a trip wire right before the hole, we will place a rug above it so he would trip over the wire and fall into the hole, we can also put the window blocker inside the hole so he can break his foot or leg, then we can smash his head with the toilet top cover and that would knock him out" I said "We can pack the phone with dirt too, for a weapon" He said "I like what your thinking, let's start now"

I pulled the cord from the phone to dislocate the two, I opened it up and went to the hole Robin dug up, I packed it with dirt and sealed it tight, I put the phone back to where it belonged, Robin took Billy's cord and made a trip wire with it before the hole and placed that window blocker in it, he then put a rug over it for disguise

We walked over to the phone and the lights turned on, I grabbed the phone quickly then faced the door

I looked over at Robin and nod at him 

The door opened slowly, I gripped the phone hard

"No fucking way" who the fuck is that "I knew that he was hiding something from me down here, but holy Mary, mother of God" he said "Please, help us, can you call my mom" I begged "Oh, listen, don't worry, he's not here, h- he had to go into work, uh, I'm Max, Stay calm" he said nervously "No wonder he was freaking out this morning, hey, you want to know the story about how I found you two?" he asked, I could see the grabber behind him with an axe

"Buddy watch out!" Robin said, as the grabber got close "What?" just then the grabber axed him in the head "NO!" I screamed, me and Robin both backed away till our backs touched the wall

I was gasping and Max's body fell to the floor "Look what you guys made me do, you made me kill my brother" I was gonna fucking shit my pants "No, It wasn't us. I..." I was panting like crazy

"He was an idiot, but he was my idiot, I'm sorry, Max. Now I'm gonna have to put you with the others" he sighs "Looks like you'll find those naughty boys after all" he walked over to Max and took the axe out of his skull

"What's up with the phone, huh? IT DOESN'T WORK YOU STUPID WHORE!" he yelled "Don't call her that" Robin said "Normally, I would use a knife, but you guys are special, I'm gonna take my time, I want this to really hurt"

He swung the axe at me but missed, I dropped the phone and let robin pick it up, I ran over to the trap, I got a hold of the wire and tugged at it as he ran over towards me, he fell into the trap and you could hear his bone snapping, he started screaming

He tried to swing at me and grabbed me into a choke hold but Robin hit him with the phone 

He let go of me and Robin straggled him with the phone cord, I could hear him choking and grunting

The phone started ringing "It's for you" Robin put it up to his ear "You don't have much time" Griffin started to laugh "Who's the naughty boy now?" Billy started laughing

I grabbed the toilet top cover and smashed his head with it, then Robin snapped his neck, we both got up and he slid into the hole

Holy shit, we did it

I looked over at Robin and pulled him into a hug "I told you we would make it out together"

I held his hand as we walked up the stairs, we went into the living room and I put in the code one last time

We walked out, it was sunny, their were a bunch of police cars outside

I stared and saw Finney and Gwen, they run up to me and Robin and gave us a long group hug, I dug my head onto Finney's shoulder as we all start to cry, I looked up to my surprise I saw Vance

I broke the hug from Finney, Gwen and Robin, then walked over to Vance

I looked up at him and stared into his ocean blue eyes, he pulled me into a hug "I thought I lost you y/n" the police run over to me "Basement" I told them, they rushed into the house, a police officer escorted us onto an ambulance car, I laid my head onto Vance's shoulder, I'm just glad to be back in Vance's arms

If you told me, one month ago I'd end up killing the North Denver pedophile, I would have laughed in your face




I know this sucked but I working on the other chapter since 6 pm yesterday and it is currently 4 am so I apologize for that, I just wasn't feeling to add to much detail 

Bonus :

Funny story, I was actually gonna kill off Robin and Vance for good, but once I thought about It and saw how upset you guys were once I killed him off in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre chapter, I decided to let him live, but my original plan for this book was to make y/n and Vance have a very good relationship then I would make them break up over something stupid then he goes missing the next day, then I was gonna make y/n go missing too so she could hear Vance's voice one last time, all I know is that I would be CRYING so thank god I didn't do that even though I did cry a shit ton when I killed off Robin in the last call chapter, I like this ending way more and how the story turned out instead of my original plan, it wouldn't be fair for y/n and Vance to not happy ending together.

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