Chapter Three

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"Why don't you go and look around for him?" Vicky asked, "I mean, he is probably expecting you." She shrugged.

I levelled her with a look, fighting to not show how conflicted I was. Truth is, I was feeling a little bit nervous. I didn't know what I could expect. Yes, Jaheim invited me, but... God, I couldn't even think of a plausible reason. "Let's just sit tight."

"What if he leaves early, he should at least know that you were here."

"But what if, we bump into each other sometimes whenever and he asks if I ended up coming and by surprise, I tell him I was here, listened to his poem, enjoyed it and went back home." I clasped my hands together. "

"He's going to want to know why you didn't meet him." Vicky fixed me with a glare. I shook my head. I am not going to Jaheim tonight. I quickly averted from Jaheim's topic, talking about some other thing. A few minutes later, we'd decided that it was late enough and time to go home. All in all, the night was a blast, a good way to spend my Thursday night.

Vicky held the door open for me while she waited for me to shrug on my coat. The early chill from outside was a promise of the upcoming winter season. "Thank you," I smiled as I stepped out. Vicky rolled her eyes and ranted under her breath. I chuckled and shoved her playfully.

"Okay, so where are gonna catch the cab?" Vicky asked, rubbing her hands together.

"I think we should walk down the street, I noticed a few people catching them down there." I shrugged my shoulder. I linked my arm around Vicky's and pulled her towards the direction and so we began our tread on the cool, dampish pavement. It hadn't started raining yet but the mist was enough to dampen the streets. The streets were littered with cars and a few people standing around in small groups, some in twos. At least we wouldn't be walking down an abandoned dingy street.

Ahead of us, I noticed a group of people standing off to the side of a building, underneath a tall lamp. They were encircled around each other, talking very loudly. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed a beige sweater and a familiar-looking dark blue jumper. My breath caught in my throat and I squeezed Vicky's arm. Vicky turned to me with a confused expression on my face.


"Oh my god, he's standing right there," I whispered, nodding my head to the group. He had his back turned to us so Vicky had to crane her head. I made a move to step back but Vicky tightened her grip on my arm, cutting off any circulation to half of it. "Victoria!" I hissed and tried to pry my arm out of its trap.

"No, you're doing this." Vicky started forward in sure, confident strides, pulling me behind her. "You're gonna thank me for this." She powered forward with more force and I gave up resisting.

My heart hammered and rang in my ears as we neared them. We stopped behind the group and a man who was standing on the opposite side we were coming from looked over Jaheim's shoulder which caused some kind of chain reaction and Vicky and I were the centre of attention. Jaheim and his friend stepped out of the way and I caught the bit of surprise on Jaheim's face before he hid it with a smug smirk.

"Good evening, beautiful people." Vicky greeted. I plastered a kind smile on my face, swallowing the bile rising in my throat. In my periphery, I could see and feel Jaheim looking down at me. Don't mind me, just a bundle of nerves exploding over here. A murmur of greetings came from everyone and I noticed a few of them sharing confused looks. 

I steeled myself and looked up at Jaheim. "I see you made it." He folded his arms, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. I have him a nod and he turned to his friends, "Everyone, this is Sanna. Sanna; Martin, Duane, Nia, Chris—as in Christina—and Ohagi." He pointed to each of his friends and they waved. I immediately recognized Oh—Ohagi—the host.

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