Chapter Two

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Vicky slid into the booth and I joined her a beat after. I was still getting acquainted with the mood and ambience of the bar because I'd honestly never heard of this place before. But it lived up to its whispers. From the deep red walls all the way down to the candles placed meticulously in the middle of the table and the subtle dim light that covered the establishment. Essence just much character. Very intimate...

"So tell me, Sanna... How in the world did you find Essence?" she quirked her brow at me with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips from what I could see under the one light that hung lowly above us.

I knit my brows together and shook my head with a nonchalant shrug, "Someone told me about it and I thought we should check it out." I shrugged again-out of habit, I hated when I did it because it's always a telltale. Nonetheless, I tried to brush it off, hoping my friend wouldn't get on my back and find out the real reason we were here tonight. Not that I wasn't here to just check out the bar but...there were other reasons, one that I wasn't ready to omit. I looked away from Vicky and glanced around the place and my eyes landed on the bar. "I'll go get us some drinks, let you get used to the place." I chuckled, sliding out of the booth. "Spritz okay with you?"

"How do you know that they got Spritz over here?" Vicky glared at me, "Something tells me this isn't your first time here."

I groaned incredulously, "How-Vicky, what bar doesn't have prosecco?" I laughed.

She raised her arms defensively, "I'm just asking the right questions over here. Don't shoot me." She chuckled. I rolled my eyes and turned around, heading straight for the bar. "Don't forget my drink!" Vicky yelled after me and I shot her a glare over my shoulder. Not Vicky embarrassing me in front of all these people. Who knows who could be looking? Once I reached the old-timey mahogany bartop, I leaned over it and waved the bartender down.

He smirked lazily at me with a toothpick in his mouth. "What can I get for you, gorgeous?" He placed his hands on either side of the top.

An anxious shiver ran down my spine and I straightened, leaning away from him. I plastered a fake smile on my face, brushing off my discomfort. "Could I get a Spritz and a Daiquiri?" He nodded and thankfully slid to the next person. I uneasily brushed a hand down my shirt and looked down at my outfit. Not that I was trying to impress anybody but, there was a certain reason I was here. Speaking of, I glanced around the bar, looking for someone who looked familiar. I gave up halfway, chastising myself under my breath. The bartender placed the drinks in front of me. "How much will that be?" I reached into my pocket.

The bartender shook his head, holding his palm up, "Open up a tab, here's a tag for your table." He smirked. "And it's also ladies' night so drinks are free." He winked and whirled around.

"That was quick," Vicky said when I reached our booth.

"You won't believe this, the drinks are free. It's ladies' night." I played with the tag for our table between my finger and slipped it under the candle to make sure it was well within eyesight. The jazz band playing on stage slowed their song while a man dressed in a beige sweater hopped onto the stage. "Great, it looks like it's starting." I smiled anxiously at Vicky.

"What?" She lifted her brow, "What exactly is starting?"

"Poetry night. I think you're gonna love it." I took a deep breath while a beige sweater up on the stage-whom I assumed would be the host was talking to the band. I had to give it to them, the skill they have to play while listening.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Sanna." I glared at her and she laughed. "This is different. Can you blame me? This is not you... Sanna Carlson does not-and I mean not-do poetry nights at spots like Essence which we've never heard of. I would know." She emphasized.

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