Chapter Five

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I groaned in my sleep, my phone ringing on the nightstand waking me up from my sleep. I groan and reach out for it on the nightstand. I pick it up and hold it to my ear, wincing slightly from the sharp coldness of the phone against my ear. "Hello?" I squinted my eyes, answering groggily.

"Sanna? Are you asleep right now?" Vicky's shrill voice sounded through the earpiece. I held back a cry and moved the blankets. "Wake the hell up! Get out of bed!"

"Ugh, give me a second." I turned on the lamp on my left and pushed up on the bed, reclining on the headboard. My eyes glazed over the clock atop my dresser and I cried silently. 6 am? "Okay, what do you want? Why are you calling me this early?" I deadpanned.

"What do you mean early? I'm awake." I could her shrug noncommittally.

"At this ungodly hour? I need to sleep right now, Victoria."I shook my head.

"I don't care. I called, and you picked up. There's no going back to sleep now." I heard some shuffling in the background. "Now that you're awake... Tell me about your date with ol' boy. What happened?"

"What?" My mind was all over the place.

"Your date last night. With Mr. Poetic. How'd it go?"

A sigh escaped me and I grimaced. "We could've talked about it during lunch or something. I just can't believe you're calling me right at the crack of dawn..." I whimpered.

"I'll be honest...I couldn't sleep." She murmured sounding distressed. She quickly barked out a laugh, dismissively, "So I couldn't suffer alone. Through sickness and in health, right baby? Better or worse?" She whined.

I snorted elegantly, "Not at the expense of my own health. I need my eight hours of sleep."

"Whatever, but tell me how it went." She hurried. "I'm interested."

Feeling a little bit more awake. An anxious feeling washed over me at the thought of my date with Jaheim last night. It felt good though. Like a bubbly, giddy feeling inside." Alright, so the date....well it was really nice." I smiled, which subtly broke into a grin. "I don't know what to say." I exasperated.

Vicky gasped, "Girl..." She cooed. "Oh my God, I can hear it in your voice! So tell me what happened, the full play-by-play!" She squealed. "What happened?" She repeated with a new pep in her voice.

I scratched the back of my head, "Yeah." I chuckled under my breath, "Well after I got off the call with you, he came up into the apartment, I changed, we left and he took me to this uppity intimate Chinese restaurant. His friend and his fiancee were there, like a double date." I confided. "We had a great time, they're great people, it We later went to play pool at some bar and that was it. He drove me home." I shrugged, purposefully omitting what happened when he dropped me off. My brows knit together.

"Awww," She whispered in awe. "Wait, is that it?"

I shifted on the bed, "Yeah..." I cleared my throat, "That's it. That's all that happened?" I pursed my lips.

"Oh?" She mumbled through the phone and I hummed my response. "Are you sure?" She trailed off.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "We said our goodbyes and that was the end of the night. You'll want to know that it was around one o'clock that I came back, which is why I'm conflicted with you calling me this early."

"You sure you got to sleep? He's not right there next to you...?"

I groaned, smiling,
"Victoria, what do you take me for? You know I'm not that kind of girl." I argued pointedly, drifting my eyes around my dimly illuminated room.

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