Chapter 2: A Siren and a snake

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Jin's POV

I swiped hastily from one photo to the next and smirked when I saw the one I was looking for: The Siren. Or should I say Rattlesnake Bean? He has finally resurfaced. What kind of revenge are you plotting this time?

"This secret gathering was attended by bosses and leaders of smaller gangs in and around the city. Aside from the Siren...I mean Rattlesnake Bean, Park Hyungsik alias Canary Bird, Park Seojoon's right-hand was also in attendance."

I see. That coward Serpent Tongue is still in hiding.

"What is the purpose of this gathering? Are there definite details?" Yoongi asked Basilisk.

"The mole insisted that it was just a dinner party. To celebrate the friendship among their groups."

Yoongi snorted and smirked.

"Friendship?" He sarcastically asked. "Now, they're friends because they have a common rival?"

"My enemy's enemy is my friend."

"Fucking cowards."

"They must be plotting something over the territories and connections that they've lost to us."

Basilisk pressed his lips tightly, waiting for the others to shut their mouths. I leaned back and quietly cleared my throat. Then, the room fell silent again.

"That was what the mole reported. But our wiretaps picked up something." He continued. "Infirmitas."

"Weakness. Latin word for weakness." Yoongi chimed in.

"Rattlesnake was heard saying this to their right-hand."

Yoongi subtly glanced at me. Have they learned? Do they know already? They've been trying to uncover my weakness for years. I can't risk his life. He can't get tangled up in this. I've just been reunited with him. I have to protect him.

"Also agreements and exchanges have also been observed between several groups involved in this so called dinner. The Cassanos of the Geumga lent billions of wons to the Yoo's at the south of the city. Firearms and ammunitions were being smuggled as we speak out of the headquarters of the Kims. The destination and recipient are still unknown."

"They are getting braver."

"Braver, stupider and more reckless."

"What made them think that they can mobilize and plot like that?"

I straightened my back and leaned in to signal my time to speak. The others abruptly quieted.

"I trust that you'll have the answers to the questions we have the next time we meet?" I sternly asked. Though what I said is not a question.

"We will."

I stood up and silently left the room. Infirmitas. I pondered while walking back to my study. Yoongi cleared his throat. He was a few steps behind me. I slowly shook my head and he hummed in agreement. He quickly shut and locked the door once we reached my office.

"Does Rattlesnake know?" I asked him.

"How should I know?" He retorted.

"I mean, back then, when you were together, did he know that I was finding my brother?"

He thought hard. Then his eyes widened. He definitely knows. That motherfucking snake knows. I have to find him first. Then gather everyone who knows. I have to get to them first. And kill them. Before they find Kookie.

"I will kill that motherfucker. And everyone who will try to lay a hand on my brother." I said through gritted teeth.

"Calm down. We will find them. No one will hurt Jungkook." He hissed.

"I will kill him. Yoongi, I will kill Jimin myself. No one can stop me. Not even you. He will pay for what he did to Father Bang. He will pay for letting my brother's name out of his lips."

Yoongi brought Jimin to our house eight years ago. He was almost dead. He was bloodied, unconscious and already had a weak pulse. A victim of hit and run, Yoongi assumed. He revived him and nursed him back to health but he lost some of his memories because of the accident. I was wary of him, suspicious of his real identity so I had his background checked. The records showed that he came from an orphanage and grew up in several foster homes. Why he figured into an accident, we never really learned.

None of it mattered though. At least not to Yoongi who quickly got enamored with him. They got together eight months after meeting. And soon enough, he was pulling him to our world. The rascal was head over heels in love with him. I can't really blame him. His thoughtfulness and warmth was too enticing. As opposed to the cold, quiet platonic affection I offer him. Jimin has a magnetic irresistible charm. The reason why he was named as The Siren. But just like them, getting drawn to him is fatal.

Three years after, Yoongi had a taste of it. He learned the hard way. He learned through a knife on his chest, a stab barely missing his heart. Because unbeknownst to us, he is actually a snake. He is a part of our oldest and biggest rival, the Park Mafia. The Parks and the Bangs have a longstanding vendetta which started when our late boss killed their patriarch. Turned out, he is Jimin's father. He joined us, ate with us, smiled at us and got wounded with us for three years just to get his revenge. I am not sure if falling for Yoongi was a part of his plan. We're not even sure if he really did fall for him. He exacted his vengeance by putting a bullet in our boss' head. The Parks, led by Jimin's cousin Seojoon, roped in other gangs in attempt to pulverize us. Many of our people died but we fought and countered. Now, the tables have turned. We are far from being dusted and most of them are dead.

"I will find him myself and bring him to you." Yoongi offered.

"You think you can do that?" I judgingly asked him.

"My god. Why do you think I can't? Because we were together? That was five years ago. Before he stabbed me. Before he tried to kill me. Before I knew the truth about him. I will find him and bring him to you. So you can kill him. Or maybe I'll kill him myself. Jin hyung, I loved him. But now I don't. All I feel is hate and disgust whenever I remember him. I loathe him with every bit of my being."

Yoongi was catching his breath as he intensely looked at me. I don't doubt his hate. He was crushed by his betrayal. Yoongi is never the quickest to give his trust and he gave it to the wrong one. He was the only one he ever loved. This is the reason why I cannot completely put my confidence in him. Yoongi's hate stems from his great love for Jimin.

"You want him alive?"

"I have to know who else knows." I told him.

"Leave it to me. In the meantime, lie low on visiting Jungkook. Someone might be tailing you."

"We're supposed to camp at the beach on his birthday."

"He will understand. Better safe than sorry hyung."

There was a knock on the door. Yoongi and I exchanged looks. He strode to swing it open.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb. But there's a commotion at our headquarter at the east." Basilisk reported.

I walked to the liquor cabinet and poured myself a glass of whiskey.

"What kind?" Yoongi probed.

"An explosion."

"Are there casualties? Damages beyond properties?"

"Two of our men. The ones who were guarding the area. Only a small part of the building was damaged."

"Take care of their funeral."

I stared at the bottom of my glass as I swigged its contents until its empty.

"They found something. I'm not sure if it's anything important. But I'm reporting it nonetheless."

"What is it?"

"There was a flyer. From a shop."

I froze, hoping that it is not what I was expecting.

"A plant shop. Hope's plants and flowers." 

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