Chapter 7: A Guilty Pleasure

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Namjoon's POV

I'm on my way towards the farthest part of the garden. I'm going to meet Jungkook for a secret talk there. He specifically said, in his note, that nobody else should know. I wonder what's up. He's been really quiet since this morning.


I whisper shouted when I got to our secret rendezvous.

"Namu hyung, here."

I heard him from behind a bush. He was cowered on the ground. I bent in front him.

"Is there a problem? Why do we have to talk here?"

"Did you tell Hoseok hyung?"

"No. You told me not to tell him. Why?"

"He can't know. Or Jin hyung will know."

"Know what?"

"Hyung, you have to pinky promise me that you won't tell anyone."

He held up his finger.


I intertwined my pinky finger with his. He nodded and took a deep breath.

"I met someone."

"Okay. And?"

"We kissed."

"What? You just met and you already kissed?"

He pressed his lips into a tight line.

"How'd you meet?"

"He fell from a tree."

I raised my eyebrow. Okay. He fell from a tree?

"What is he doing on a tree?"

"I don't know. I forgot to ask."

"How did you end up kissing if it started with him falling from a tree?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe because I told him he's beautiful? Because he is. He's the most beautiful in the world."

"Hold up right there. You said your hyung is the most beautiful and he actually is. But now, you found someone more beautiful?"

He fervently nodded.

"Are you sure you're not dreaming?"

Maybe he had a nocturnal emission.

"I thought I did too. But my favorite sweats are not there. He wore it when he changed his clothes."

"You brought him home?"

"I did."

"What made you believe that it was just a dream?"

"I woke up by myself."

"You slept together?"

He nodded.

"I mean, you slept with him?"

"Yeah. We slept together. On my bed."

"You had sex on your bed?!"

"No! Nothing like that. We just slept beside each other."

I'm getting confused.

"Tell me what happened. From the start."

"I thought there was someone on the trees near the field. So I went to it and he fell on the muddy ground. He twisted his ankle so he can't walk. I brought him home and lend him my clothes. Then we drank hot chocolate. He got mad that I'm always staring at him so I confessed that I find him beautiful. He kissed me. Then we kissed more. I invited him to stay the night. We cuddled. It was so nice. But when I woke up the next morning, he was already gone."

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