Chapter 15: Achilles' Heel

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Jimin's POV

A hand quickly swooped in just when the elevator was about to close. I locked eyes with its owner as he entered the lift. He stood in front of me and pushed the button of the floor five levels above mine. I subtly observed as he placed his hand inside the pocket of his coat. The elevator stopped and four men in dark suits got in. I stepped to the back to avoid being surrounded. Two of them positioned on my either side. I noticed how one of them glanced at the other in my peripheral vision. Can I take on five of them? Will I be fast enough to pull the gun at my back? The one in front cleared his throat. The man on my left side reached inside his jacket. I took a breath. Fuck it. I can't let them take me alive.

The elevator dinged. It's my floor. The door slid open. I cautiously got off pacing slowly, expecting for them to pounce. I heard it close and then there was silence. I let out a sigh of relief and marched towards my hotel room. Just another day in the life of a mafia on the run. Five years of this is becoming too stale. Don't get me wrong. It's never boring. I was so close to being caught yesterday. But I'm tired. So fucking tired.

I placed the gun under my pillow before I laid on the bed. I stared at the ceiling and felt my eyelids getting heavier. Something's wrong. I don't sleep. I can't. Even when I'm so exhausted. I feebly sat up and noticed a thick mist swirling in the air. My eyes were starting to close. I reached for the gun.

My cheek stung. I tried to open my eyes. They were still heavy. My head smacked on a hard surface when it lolled. I can't move my hands. They were pinned. I blinked and tried to think. Then I felt a cold splash of water in my face.

"Wake up."

I heard someone. The voice sounds familiar.

"Wake him up."

The voice said. It was low and soulless. My hair was yanked harshly. I opened my eyes. Everything's still a blur but I can make out a light silhouette in front of me.

"Wake him up!"

I felt a strong slap on my face. My cheek burned. Awareness dawned on me. I raised my head and looked straight at the man.

"Get the Grim Reaper."

He said without looking away. I raised my chin. He smirked in response.

"Rattlesnake Bean."

"Pale Man."

"Aren't you too reckless? You didn't even catch on what's going to happen."

"My bad. I didn't expect that you'd resort to cheap tricks just to catch me."

"Cheap tricks." He snorted. "That's all you're worth."

I only noticed that a woman was with us when she chuckled. Harpy. Don't fucking tell me that you replaced me with that.

"Siren, how have you been?" The slut asked arrogantly.

She strode towards us and stood behind him. Then she wrapped her thin, crooked arms around his waist. I raised my eyebrow when I saw the ugliest sneer I have ever seen in my entire life. What is she boasting? That she finally got him after salivating for him for years? I fucking had him first. There's nothing about him that I didn't have first. He looked down on her arms and slightly turned his head towards her.

"We're working." He told her.

She shifted to stand in front, her arms still around him. Then she tilted her head up to whisper in his ear. He held my gaze as he listened and looked at her when she finally detached. She pulled him by his nape and gave him an open mouth kiss. My breath hitched. But I didn't peel my eyes away. I know that they're taunting me. To know if Yoongi can affect me, to see if they can use him against me.

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