Jin's POV
Jungkook led me to the wooden swing he assembled in the farthest part of the garden. It was painted white and roofed with interwoven vines and leaves. He sat and laid the chicken on his lap.
"Is it pretty? I fixed it so I can rest here. Namjoon hyung often reads here during his breaks too. It's quiet and relaxing here."
I joined and sat beside him.
"Is that guy treating you well?"
A month ago, Hoseok informed me that he will be hiring another employee. I did a background check and asked for Kim Namjoon to be tailed. He seemed harmless and not, in any way, connected to the world I live in. Yoongi said that he's normal. Normal guy with normal human problems. Someone who got sick of living in a fast pace. Someone who felt lost and out of place. That's why he rooted himself somewhere else. Good for him. I envy him for having the chance to do that.
"Namjoon hyung?" His eyes sparkled. "Namjoon hyung is cool. He's so smart. He knows what to do to take better care of the plants. And he knows which of them is bad. He also told me and showed me which frogs I should avoid and I should not carelessly hold because they're poisonous. Like the one we can see in a tropical rainforest. He hasn't been in a rainforest. But he knows all about it. Because he read it in a book!"
My little one is charmed. But has he ever not been? He finds wonder in everything and is amazed by everyone. Including me.
He pouted. "I may have...told him our secret. But we can trust him. Namjoon hyung is good."
"I told you not to tell anyone."
"I don't know why we should not. What is wrong with people knowing that I have a real brother?"
"Don't you trust me?"
"I do."
"Then do as I say. No more telling anybody."
"Sorry." His downcasted doe eyes looked really pitiful. "Are you mad at me?"
"I'm not. I won't. Ever. But what I ask of you, even if I can't tell you entirely, it's for you. So I need you trust me."
"I trust you, hyung."
"Promise me you won't tell anyone else." I lifted my pinky finger to him.
"I promise." He entwined his finger with mine.
The chicken's head snapped up when it awakened. Jungkook released him on the ground.
"Can I bring Chicken when we go to the beach?"
Right. I almost forgot.
"That's the thing I've been meaning to tell you. Can we go to the beach some other time?"
"Something came up."
"What is it?"
I don't know how long I can keep this up. He has been asking questions already. I don't want to lie to him but I can't tell him the truth either.
"No more questions."
"Why do you always use that tone when you don't want to answer me?"
"What tone?"
"That tone. Like you're a cold mafia boss. I watched a drama with a character like that."
I told Hoseok not to allow him to watch dramas with that trope.
"Why can't we go? You promised we'll go on my birthday."
"We'll go some other time."

FanfictionThe underground world of mafias was shaken when merciless, cunning Jin ascended as the leader of their organization. With the intent of avenging his former boss' death, he launched an all-out war against their rivals, effectively defeating them. As...