Chapter 8: A Fatal Attraction

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Taehyung's POV

The crisp, clean scent wafted in the air. I watched his clothes sway as it was blown by the gentle breeze. I guess that is one of his quirks. He loves washing clothes. There was never a day when the clothesline is empty. He loves to chase frogs too. But he doesn't stomp them to death like I thought he would. Like what I often do. He just follows them to the field and then wave them goodbye. He also have the habit of talking to them. Not just them, to other things too. Like bugs, chickens, fishes and even inanimate objects. I don't understand why he got used to doing that. Maybe because he's always alone. The thought of him being alone makes me want to stay with him. But no. I can't. I'm just here to say goodbye. Just to say goodbye.

"Flower. Flower. Flower. Flower. Flower. Flower. Flower."

I heard his voice coming closer. There was a hearty laugh following it. Who is he with again? Is he with that tan, tall, handsome guy? My eyes widened when I saw the one he's with. It's the motherfucking Grim Reaper's brother. I stealthily ran to the back of his trailer. He was happily holding a potted Tiger Flower in his hands. My leverage warmly looked at him.

"You like it?" He asked him.

He scrunched his nose and grinned. "Thank you, Hoseok hyung."

Why is he giving him a Tiger Flower? That's my namesake flower! I gave him the flower first! Yes, it might not be alive. But I was the one who did it first!

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep at my house?"

He's sure. Now, leave.

"I'll be fine, hyung."

"Are you sober enough to be alone?"

"I'm not drunk. Just..." He held his thumb and index finger close as if to pinch "...tipsy."

Look at that adorable eye smile. His cheeks were blushing too. He's too cute.

"Go home. I'll be fine."

He nodded and smiled. "Go in. Make sure to lock the door. Don't open it for strangers."

"I'm not a kid anymore. I'm twenty four." He told him, pouting. "And strong."

"Yeah. Yeah. You are now a big boy."

He pushed him towards the door.


Jungkook went in.

"Goodnight. Walk slowly. Take care, hyung." He said before he shut the door.

He eyed the way back and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"It's so dark." He muttered as he turned his phone's flashlight on. "I'm so scared."

The Grim Reaper's brother is a coward. You're scared of the dark? Your brother is the fucking incarnate of darkness. He exhaled before quickly running away. I went out of hiding and marched towards his door. I clenched my fist and huffed then raised my hand to knock. I faltered just before doing it. Fuck. I'm scared. Why am I scared? I took in another lungful of breath and exhaled. I can't do it! Why can't I do it? Motherfucker, just knock. What are you afraid of? What if he's mad? Of course he's mad. What will I do if he's mad? Just say you're sorry. No. I don't say sorry. Then what will I do? Just knock then figure out what to do after. Help me. Who am I talking to? I'm getting mad.

I lifted my fist once again. The door knocked my hand. Tok. I heard it sound and I stepped back. The door opened wide. I was greeted by Jungkook's furrowed brows. He was holding the pot of Tiger Flower in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in pout.

I cleared my throat. "Hello."

He narrowed his eyes and pouted even more. Then, he harshly turned his head and walked away. He strode towards a plant stand a few feet ahead. I followed.

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