Dont go dying on me, Munson

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Hi, I just wanted to state real quick that these characters are obviously not mine. They're from Stranger Things. I love the serie and I just wanted to set some things right about the ending of vol 2. I hope u like it!!! Also please give feedback cause I like writing but I know i still have a lot of room to improve!😄

"I think it's finally my year" Eddie said to Dustin. He smiled a little, wanting to comfort Dustin. Eddies whole body hurt and he knew this was the last time he would see the boy who was like a brother to him . A tear rolled from his eyes, everything hurt but he refused to show the boy kneeling besides him. He looked Dustin in the eyes and with his last strength he said "I love you man".
He really tried not to start crying, he wouldn't leave this world crying knowing that that would be Dustins last memory of him.
"I love you too" Eddie heard Dustin saying. A last tear rolled down Eddies cheek as his vision went dark.

Dustin didn't know what to do, he wanted to save Eddie. He couldn't let Eddie die. Dustins mind was screaming at him 'do something, anything! Cover his wounds! Stop the bleeding! Get him out of here! Anything!' But his body wouldn't move, he was frozen in place, unable to do or say anything. Tears were streaming down his face and his heart was aching so hard he wanted to rip it out. He couldn't breathe properly.
Dustin felt himself slipping into a panic attack and at that moment he felt steady arms around him.
It was Nancy, she was holding him tightly in her arms. She was saying all kinds of stuff but Dustin could not hear her. It was just background noice to his heavy breathing. There was a fog in his mind like never before. He felt how Nancy stood up and then he noticed how she pulled him on his feet, he wasn't there with his thoughts... no it was more like his thoughts weren't there with him. He felt like a mindless zombie, he put his left foot in front of his right and then his right in front of his left as he started following Nancy through something slimy. He could breathe a bit better now that he was out of the upside down.

Nancy's arm was still around Dustin as she put a coin in the payphone and called 911.
"This is 911, what's your emergency?" A gentle male voice said on the other side of the line. Nancy took a deep breath in, now was not the time to collapse. With a steady voice she stated where they where and what had happened to Eddie. Of course she left out the part with the bats just stating that they think he was attacked by animals and had lost a lot of blood.
The man told her there was an ambulance on the way and then hung up the phone. Nancy knew what would happen to Eddie if they took him to the hospital. She knew he would go to jail IF he survived. But she also knew how this was the only way to save Eddie Munson. Steve and Robin where saving Eddie in the upside down, hopefully they could get him out in time before the ambulance got there. But she trusted Steve with every fibre in her body and with that in mind she went back to comforting Dustin who was a complete mess and needed her more than anyone else.

"Robin! Im getting him out!" Steve shouted at Robin. They had tried their best to stop the bleeding and now Steve needed to get Eddie out of here. "I will carry him, will you make an opening so none of the slimy stuff touches Eddie?" Robin nodded. Steve had never known her to be this focussed, she hadn't said anything since they found Dustin with Eddie in his lap. All she did was listen to what he asked of her and try to follow his orders as good as possible.
Steve was trying his best to stay calm, he took Eddie in his arms like a groom took his bride. Steve felt a pain running through his back, his arms were shaking like an earthquake but he ignored his pain and held Eddie tightly against his torso. "Don't go dying on me Munson" he said quietly to the body in his arms.
He walked towards the opening Robin had made for him: Eddie in his arms, pressed against Steve's chest, Steve's shirt was tied around a bleeding wound on Eddies leg, as they walked out of the upside down they left a trail of blood.
Steve's body was protesting, saying he could not go further, that he didn't have any energy left. But somehow Steve managed to get Eddie out of there.
And as they walked out, Robin first then Steve with Eddie, Steve collapsed. He was so tired, he felt warm blood stream over his skin but he didn't know if it was his or Eddies.
'As long as he's bleeding he isn't gone.' Steve repeated in his head. Over and over and over.

There they where, a group of teenagers covered in blood and dirt and slime. Their clothes ripped apart or completely gone. Dustin crying in Nancys arms, Nancy whispering words in his curls to calm him and herself down. Steve on the ground with a blank face staring at Eddie, his lips moving but no sound ever truly leaving his mouth. And Robin standing there in complete stress fluttering her hands up and down really fast to release the stress. All of them waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

"They're here" Robin said in a weak voice, her eyes wide as that of a baby deer.

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