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Steve awakened cause he felt how Eddie broke away from the tight embrace they had slept in. He opened his eyes and watched Eddie get up from bed. Eddies back was turned to Steve so he had no idea Steve was awake as het took a towel and some fresh clothes from the drawer across the room.
Eddie didn't have many clothes, at least not anymore. He turned around to walk to the bathroom and shower but he stopped when he saw Steve watching him from the bed.
He stood in front of Steve, a bit hesitant "Do you..." Eddie said but he stopped and looked at his feet instead.

This was the moment where Steve was going to beat him up or call him a freak or ask him to leave. Maybe all of those things would happen. Steve got up out of bed and walked towards Eddie who was still looking at his feet.
Eddie prepared himself to take the punch but instead he felt a gentle hand cup his face. Eddie looked up to look at Steve who looked gentle at him. Eddies eyes where filled with fear for what was coming but when nothing happened he just looked at Steve with curiosity. "I meant every word I said yesterday." Steve said reassuring Eddie, he needed Eddie to know he really likes him. A small dimple appeared in Eddies cheek. "Do you... really like me?" Eddie said still unsure of Steve's feelings.
Steve put his head against Eddies and looked him in his eyes, their noses touching and their lips only a couple of inches apart "Eddie Munson, the world might not be okay with us dating out in the open... but would you care to go on a movie date with me tonight? I'll rent a few movies for us to watch downstairs, I'll make popcorn, I'll give you flowers, I'll prepare dinner, I'll - "
Steve could not finish his sentence because the warm soft lips of Eddie were pressed on his. Eddie stopped to look at Steve with a face full of delight "I'd love to." He gave Steve a little peck on his cheek and then went to shower because he had promised the Sinclairs to pick them up in an hour.

While Eddie was showering Steve went to his own bedroom and put on some new clothes, he too had plans for today so he had to get ready to give Eddie the perfect first date he deserved. He looked in the mirror to make sure his hair looked good and after a few minutes of putting strands of hair in the right place he was content with his looks.

Eddie put on the only other shirt he had and the pants his bandmate Gareth had lend him. He walked out of the room and went downstairs to a cooking Steve.
"What are you doing over there Harrington?"
"Making breakfast for my hungover bo - " Steve did not finish that sentence, he was afraid to freak Eddie out. But Eddie, who was in a happy mood and not really awake enough yet to give any thought to what Steve said, was singing a happy song he was freestyling about breakfast.
It wasn't very good, he knew this but it made him happy and he loved it even more when Steve joined in while Eddie was singing the chorus.

After breakfast Eddie had to leave, Steve gave him the keys to a spare car of his parents "don't drive like a maniac." Steve said before handing the keys to Eddie. Eddie took the keys from Steve and as he walked out the door he shouted "can't make any promises Harrington!"
Before Steve could protest he closed the door and left.

The car was a classic BMW E30 M3, it was a white car with a stereo in which Eddie could put music. He wished he had some good metal but he didn't.
When he arrived at the Sinclair house Erica and Lucas ran out. "Shotgun!" Lucas shouted. But Erica was faster and jumped in the seat next to Eddie. "I called shotgun!" Lucas said displeased. "Yeah but I got here first, what are you gonna do about it big guy?" Erica said witty. Lucas looked at Eddie who gave him a look as if to say 'can't help you' Lucas sighed and stepped in the back. He was scowling the entire ride towards the hospital and he kept scowling until they arrived at Maxs room.

Eddie and Erica were going to say hi to max and then leave for the my little pony convention that would start at 11:30. Lucas ran to max and started talking with the blind girl but when Eddie entered the room after Erica and Lucas were already inside and he saw max with all her casts on, looking at nothing with her blind eyes...
He stopped breathing. His vision got dark and his hands began trembling, he felt like he was going to die. He remembered how the demobats bit him, he could feel them flying around him like a tight swarm. He crouched to a fetal position, hugging his knees and slowly rocking himself from side to side to try and stop his thoughts from spiralling.
He felt powerless and nauseous. He kept rocking left to right, front to back.

Then a hand crashed down on his cheek. Another slap followed. Erica's voice was yelling at him but he couldn't understand what she was saying. She pulled him up, made a cuplike shape with Eddies hands and put them in front of his mouth to make sure he didn't inhale to much air. He was hyperventilating to the extreme. "Eddie, can you hear me yet?" Eddie had calmed down enough to understand her and nodded his head. "Can you tell me what 97 minus 18 is?" Eddie thought for a while, concentrating on the math problem "69?" He answered still panicking.
Erica nodded "now tell me who the first president of the USA was."
"I think..." Eddie hesitated and started to go down towards his feral position again.
"Don't think to much Munson, you should know this." Erica said while pulling him up and holding him in place.
"It was Washington" Eddie said, he really hoped he was right but Erica didn't confirm.
"Your favourite metal song, which one makes you happy?"
"Uhm master of puppets? No metal trashing mad? No wait it's aces high. No never mind master of puppets. No wait! Can I choose all of them? They're all sooo good."
Erica didn't answer with anything but another question "how many types of bears can you name?
"Uhm... a grizzly bear, a black bear, a honey bear and a polar bear." Eddie looked at Erica, confused why she asked all these questions. She smiled at him said goodbye to Lucas and Max and led Eddie out of the hospital room.

In the car Eddie asked Erica why she asked those questions, she looked bored at him and said "it's not my first time dealing with someone having a panic attack you bimbo. Now bring me to the my little pony convention!"

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