Promise me Eds

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"Eddie!!!!!!" An enthusiastic voice shouted. Before Eddie realised who it was or could say anything he got hugged really tight.
Dustin's curly hairs tickled Eddies face, they embraced each other for a couple of minutes. Both of them really needed that and Steve saw it on their faces how they both truly missed the other.
Eventually Dustin had to let go because Mike also wanted to say hi to Eddie. It was a short hug, but nonetheless Steve could feel the love between the dungeon master and the paladin (Mike)
Meanwhile Dustin began filling Eddie in on what happened.
"It was like nothing she had done before!" Dustin's eyes where big from excitement "Our plan worked and Vecna was gone, but the portals were still opened and they were huge!" He continued telling Eddie "so eleven..."
"Right that's the floating girl that lived in Mikes basement?" Eddie asked
"Yes, she's really awesome. So she closed the gigantic portal. It was amazing. She was floating and blood was dripping from not only her nose, like it normally does. But also from her eyes and ears!" Dustin's hands were making big movements to tell the story as well as he could.
"She flew about 20 feet in the air and screamed SO LOUD all the windows and glass in a 10 mile radius broke!" He did a little mind blowing mimic as he told this.
"Don't worry she's fine now but she was unconscious for 4 days." Mike added to the story. "Yeah and everybody got new windows, it was a whole thing to clean up all the glass." Dustin said.
"They made it a festivity, the whole town was helping cleaning up. There was music playing in every street and everybody was surprisingly happy." Mike said with a smile.
"You would have hated it" Dustin grinned at Eddie.
"You guys were also helping right?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah" Steve, Dustin and Mike said at the same time.
"Then I would have loved it" Eddie looked at them like a dad looks at his baby when he first holds it in his arms.
Dustin and Mike continued ranting about everything that happened, so pleased they could finally tell Eddie while he wasn't unconscious. And Eddie sat there listening to all they were saying, sometimes he would ask a question but mostly he just enjoyed how happy his friends were while telling him everything.

Then, around 6 in the evening, the nurse came by and told everyone to leave.
"He needs his rest." She said.
And when Dustin looked at her as if she was a monster taking him (a baby) away from his dad she said "you can visit him tomorrow at 8 darlings. I'll give you ten minutes to say your goodbyes." She smiled and walked away, happy another one of her patients survived the monstrosity that had happened in their town.

Dustin and Mike said their goodbyes to Eddie, promising that the entire gang would be coming tomorrow to see him.
"I'll take u home guys" Said Steve, he then threw his car keys to Dustin "Put your bikes in my car, I'll be down in a sec." They nodded and sprinted downstairs talking loudly to each other about how happy the rest of the gang would be hearing Eddie was awake.

Steve looked at Eddie with a grin, he loved how cheery his little nuggets were. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow Eds." Eddies hart fluttered when he heard the nickname Steve had given him. He started blushing a bit "can't wait Stevie." Steve lingered by the door for a second, then nodded to himself and stepped out the door leaving Eddie alone.
Though Eddie was happy he saw his friends, part of him was a bit disappointed that Steve left like that. 'Cant blame the guy' Eddie said to himself 'we barely even know each other' and his mind felt the need to add 'plus he is obviously very much in love with Nance. Don't know why I thought I might have a chance.'

He sighed and then suddenly the door got opened really hard, Steve ran towards Eddie and before he could protest Steve wrapped his arms around his friend.
They embraced each other tightly and Steve whispered in Eddies ear "Don't you ever dare scare me like that. Ever again." Eddie nodded "I won't"
"Promise me Munson" Steve loosened his grip just enough for them to make eye contact. "Promise me you'll never leave like that again. No more nearly dying. No more dying. No more scaring me like that." He put his forehead against eddies "Promise me Eds."
"I promise" Eddie said while tears blurred his vision.
There was an affectionate smile playing on Steve's lips as he pulled back from Eddie and walked out of the hospital room. Closing the door behind him.

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