
221 9 2

Ships - None

Story type - Fluff

Main Character - Grian and/or Mumbo

Season - 7

Requests go here --->

AU - this au needs a bit more explanation, here Grian is only 17, about to turn 18. He joined HermitCraft when he was 15 and since he was 16 he's been getting tattoos. He originally had the thought when he accidentally walked into Mumbo changing and saw all his tattoos. Since Grian's 16th birthday Mumbo has been taking him to get tattoos, or just to watch Mumbo get his own tattoos. Mumbo will be the second youngest at 21. Mumbo also acts like Grian's older brother and Grian treats him that way.

1132 words (133)
•~_𝙶𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅_~•

     "I should have a beach party and invite all the hermits." I think out loud. "But then I'd need a swim shirt.. I mean could go ask Mumbo, he'd probably have some."

     I jump into a minecart and ride down the little hobbit tunnel, dropping on a pile of other minecarts.

Soon after I realized that I couldn't get out of my minecart and sighed. "Mumboooo!!" I yell. I hear him climbing his ladder up. I saw his head poke up and him start laughing. "Shut up and help me out ya bully!" I cross my arms annoyed.

"Ok! Ok!" He says climbing up the ladder completely. "We do you leave all these here anyway?" I ask Mumbo as he grabs me out of the cart. "No idea." He shrugs. I just sighed.

"Right I came over here for somethin!" I say remembering why I was here. "And that is?" Mumbo asks after a few seconds of silence. "I forgot." I give a sorry smile. Mumbo just laughs, "Has it been 3 months yet?"

"Oh that's what it was! Do you have any swim shirts I could borrow?" "Yes? Why did that remind you?" Mumbo says climbing down the ladder, me following in tow. "I wanted to have a beach party and I'm not sure I wanna tell them yet, plus you might get in trouble."

"The only person who would really scold me would me X if I had to guess. But if your not ready that's fine too kiddo." He ruffles my hair. "I told you stop calling me kiddo!" I whine swatting away his hand.

"I think I might show off my tattoos this time. It sucks not being able to take off your long sleeve cause you don't wanna show people yet," He says finding a swim shirt and throws it at me, "Might be a bit big."

"Oh well. Thanks Mumbo Jumbolio!" "Of course! And if you need help planning I'm only a hobbit tunnel away." He smiles. "And a bit of a sticky situation, I'm not goin through the tunnel until you've cleaned up this.." I motion to the minecarts, "mess."

"Fine." He says sarcasticly and brakes all the minecarts. "You happy now?" "Very, thanks Mumbo! Buh Byeeee!" I wave and hop into another minecart to my base. I get to my base and start planning the flyer.

I finish the flyer, and it surprisingly looks good despite my awful art skills. It reads 'Hermit Hangouts! Beach party next Sunday from 11am to whenever you want to leave! All are invited! Hosted by Grian (with help from Mumbo)'

(Sorry for interrupting but if anyone wants to can you please make a flyer? I can't do anything with art T^T)

I make a copy of it and send it to Mumbo with a note saying 'Make any improvements you feel are needed! <3 G' to see his thoughts. I sit on stacked chest with a book n' quill and write what'll be needed for the party.

•~_𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢_~•

I sit on the beach next to Mumbo having just finished decorating and setting everything up. I was wearing the swim shirt that Mumbo had given me two weeks ago. It was mostly black with little red designs here and there, I assume the red was cause of his tie but it works out great for me.

I was also wearing red swim trunks and I had tucked in the swim shirt because it was so big on me. Mumbo was wearing a normal light blue t-shirt with black swim trunks. Soon Iskall came flying in with a green t-shirt and dark green swim trunks.

"Mumbo wearing a normal t-shirt and not a swim shirt? Whaaatt?" Iskall said as he landed. "That's what I said!" I commented even tho I had seen mumbo in t-shirts quite often.

"Yea I'm finally showing the others my tattoos." Mumbo was still sitting under the umbrella. "Oh I didn't know Iskall knew." I hummed. "Wait you knew?" Iskall looked thoroughly confused.

"Yea! I go with him quite often, it's really cool to see." "Huh I might have to come along next time then." Iskall said setting up a towel next to Mumbo. "I think I'm getting another one in what?" He turns to me.

"4 to 7 months I believe." I said knowing that in a month I'd be getting a new tattoo then either both of us or just Mumbo were getting one after. "Yea 4 to 7 months." Mumbo nods.

One by one more and more people started showing up until pretty much the whole server, besides one or two people, where there. "Hey Mumbolio!" I yell to Mumbo and motion for him to come to me.

He walks over to and I smile mischievously. "Don't you da-" I cut him off by throwing myself at him and pushing both of us into the water. I quickly get out of the water and hide behind Iskall.

"You could've at least waited until I had taken my shirt off!" "Iskall help me." I mutter. I watch as Mumbo takes off his shirt and throws it on his towel. The whole party basically stopped to look at Mumbo.

"What? Continue on." He says and glares at me. I squeak and run away from him. Eventually Mumbo caught up to me and picked me up. "Mumbo put me down!" I yell holding onto him for dear life.

"Karma Grian!" He says as he attempts to throw me into water. I hold onto him for dear life. "No!" I yell. Iskall helps pry me off of Mumbo, who throws me into the water. I go under and feel my shirt come up. I get above water and walk back into shore pulling my shirt back down.

"Umm Grian?" Ren asks hesitantly. "Yea?" I answer confused. "Do you also have tattoos?" "Uhh yes?" I answer hesitantly. I sigh and take off my shirt, also throwing it onto my towel.

"How long have you had tattoos?" X exclaims. "I started getting them for my sixteenth birthday." I answer. I walk over to Mumbo. "Sit down." "Nooooo." He groans knowing me.

"No you got me caught. Now sit." He rolls his eyes but sits anyways. I hop onto his shoulders and rest my chin on his head. Mumbo stands up and X looks up at Mumbo. "I'm assuming you're the one who's been taking him then."

"Of course, if my little bro wants anything I'll get it for him." I just smile proudly. "LITTLE BRO!?" Scar yells. "He's not actually my big brother but he acts like it." I say messing with his hair like he does mine.

"We're gonna have a little talk later Mumbo." X glares. "Oh shut up dad." I roll my eyes and smile at him. I watch a excited look show in his eyes as well as a smile showing through.


Grian Oneshots, Headcanons, And Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now