THE GROUP FELL SILENT after our chat and it didn't take long till we all went home. Before everyone rode away, Bill all invited us to his garage tomorrow. He said it was urgent and asked Ben if he could use his projector and one of his the projector slides.
So that's where I am now; cycling up the street looking for whatever house belonged to Bill Denbrough. This wasn't hard to find as I saw five bikes thrown over at the driveway of one house and one bike parked in between them all.
Both tall steel doors of the garage were open and I spotted the group standing, waiting for everyone to arrive. "Hey Y/n," I heard Beverly call out. "Hi," I replied, strolling into the garage.
"First time that you're not the last one here," Stanley commented. "Yeah, who's not here yet?" I asked. A yell saying 'I'm here!' came from outside the drive. Mike pulled up to the house with his bike. "Sorry, I had to deliver a few things first," he apologised before Bill ordered the curtains to be shut, the door to be pulled down and for all of us to sit down.
As we all followed his orders, he hung up a map of Derry and flicked on the projector, overlaying Derry's sewer passages on top of the map. He lined it up and then we all either sat or stood; I sat just behind the projector, beside Beverly and Richie.
"Look," Bill pointed to the map and I noticed a small circle done in black marker with an 'x' in the centre of it. "That's where G—G-Georgie disappeared. There's the Ironworks, and the black spot." There we're more black circles, all with labels of what place they used to be. Each place labelled had a red line close to it.
"Everywhere it happens, it's all connected by the sewers, and they all meet up at the-"
"Well house," Ben examined. Red lines travelled through the map and spread all over the paper, yet they all met up in one spot."Where's the well house?" I questioned. "It's the house on Neibolt Street," Stanley replied while Eddie clutched his inhaler and took a large breath, puffing in all the air. "You mean that creepy-ass house all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie asked. "Is that not like haunted or abandoned?" I chimed in.
"I hate that place," Beverly spoke up. "I always feel like it's watching me."Eddie whimpered from his inhaler and looked to the dusty ground. "That's where I saw It. That's where I saw the clown," he panted. "Tha—That's where It lives."
We all stared at the anxious boy as he took another puff from his inhaler. "I can't imagine anything wanting to live there," Stanley trembled. Eddie rose to his feet and planted them in front of the map. The light from the projector lit up him as he told us off. "Can we stop talking about this?" He gasped between words and his voice started to break; he seemed to be on the verge of tears. "I-I can barely breathe. This is summer. We're kids. I can barley breath." He scolded, "I'm having a fucking asthma attack. I am not doing this."
Suddenly, he jolted around and tore the map from the wall. "What the hell. Put the map back," Bill demanded. Eddie shook his head and scrunched the map up into his hand. Lights from the projector switched off as it changed slides to a blank one.
We all gaped at it as the slides flickered through, then looked up to see photos of Bill and his family be reflected onto the wall. "What happened?" Bill's eyebrows creased as he gawked at the changing photos. "What's going on?" Eddie skipped away from the light and came to the back of the group, obviously terrified in this moment. Mike ran to the projector and tried to sort it out yet it wouldn't stop.
Photos of Bill and Georgie going fishing, Bill and his family and other photos of them clicked on and off till the machine rested and decided to settle on a photo of Bill and his family again.
The room went dark as it started up again. This time instead of switching photos, it zoomed in on the current one. "Bill?" We were all frozen in our spots as it firstly zoomed into Bill's younger brother. Then the frame started to move upwards and focused on his mother. Her red hair blew in her face and each time the lights went down, her hair blew as if the photo was alive and it was a windy day.
The flickering went rapid as the wind blew off the woman's face and revealed a horrific, pale-looking clown. It quickly dawned on me that the clown was the exact one to be in my 'nightmare' experience. It must've also been the same one Eddie witnessed. "What the fuck!" Was shouted as we abruptly rose from our seats. "It's It!"
"What the fuck is that? What the fuck is that?!" Richie shook Eddie which made it clear for his fear of clowns.My hands latched onto Beverly's arm and she placed hers on top of mine. I backed up from the projector as the photos flew by the wall. The clown smiled wickedly at us in the reflection and I could hear Eddie freaking out. "Turn it off!" Beverly hollered, letting go of my hands. I unwrapped my fingers from her arm as we all screamed to shut down the projector.
I stepped up to the machine in front of me frantically attempting to stop the clowns tricks but my efforts failed as it kept going. "Stop, stop. Stop. Oh, please stop," I cried as It continued tormenting us.Mike rushed over to me and kicked it down. The machine fell to the ground but it stayed on and the light somehow still shined up to the wall. Darkness cast over the room as the photos slowed down. A new photo displayed the clown looking right at the direction where Stanley stood. "Move Stanley!" I yelled but he was stuck in his shoes, too petrified to run.
It was hard to see as the projector light lagged and was coming on sluggishly. It buzzed back on but the clown nor the woman was there. Just the background of the main photo. My fingernails dug into the palms of my hand, causing deep marks to appear and nearly re-opening the previous scabs.
Once again, the light went out and the next time it fluttered on, the same, massive clown with disgustingly-sharp, yellow teeth grinned over to us. Shrieks and cries were thrown around when he appeared. The monster's head shot to Stanley and he hurriedly moved back to the others.
I was standing in front of the fallen projector and I tried to dash back but I managed to trip over the chair behind me. Everything happened so fast it was hard to do anything, the room was in darkness one second and the next was dimly lit. Screams made it even more difficult to cope with the clown crawling over to me as I scrambled to my feet. My legs flew backwards and I crashed into Beverly at the corner of the garage.
She took my shoulders in her arms and I enclosed her in mine. We both screamed as the clown came close to us and roared loudly at us. This is it, I thought, I'm going to die.

𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙣𝙤𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙖 ➹ 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙯𝙞𝙚𝙧
Fanfiction[𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙀 𝙏𝙊𝙕𝙄𝙀𝙍 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍] ↳ 𝙞𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝, summer unexpectedly turns into a adventure full of new friends, new fears and new feelings.