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I WAS SITTING ON A SMALL STOOL at the arcade, watching Richie play his game. When he brought me the first time, I didn't understand how to work the game, but now I knew a bit more. We normally came to hang at the arcade together and I would often just sit and observe him playing.

The theatre door squeaked as it closed and I peered over to it. A familiar face walked in and jogged over to us. "Richie!" Bill called as the other boy spammed the buttons. "What do you want?" He didn't even bother to stop and look at Bill, just half glancing his way. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you."

"I-It got Beverly." My head shot up to Bill as I instantly knew what he meant by that. "Beverly?" I whispered to myself. "What are you talking about?" He asked, still staring at the arcade machine and hitting the buttons for dear life. "Richie, we need to help." He looked up to me when I spoke and then Bill continued. "It, Richie. It got Beverly." The cogs in his head finally clicked it together and he turned to Bill.

The two past friends stared at each other for a second without saying a word. It all suddenly started to happen. We got on our bikes, we called Eddie, met with Stanley, found Ben in the library and stopped by Mike's farm.

Our little group was back together, ready to save the last member: Beverly. The Losers' Club was reunited and we all rode down the road, swerving into Neibolt Street.

EVERYONE PARKED THEIR BIKES OUTSIDE the dull house. We brought a bag of weapons for each of us, specifically spears, but Mike had a gun he got from his farm.

The old gate was rusted and worn. We walked through it but Bill stopped before the porch. "Guys, spikes." He took his bag from his back and placed it on the ground, attaching things together.

When he was done, we slowly stepping forward into the house, the door creaking when it opened. It was the same as last time, just this time it felt more ominous, now that we could confirm that the clown resided here.

"Stan?" The whole group turned back to the door, where we all saw Stanley still outside looking back at us. He was too afraid to step into the house, in fear of something bad happening to him. I didn't blame him but, Beverly was in danger and she needed help.

Bill spoke up. "Stan. We all have to go," he said firmly. "B-B—Beverly was right." He still stood at the entrance, contemplating whether he should join us or not. "If we split up like last time, the clown will kill us, one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, we'll win. I promise."

The anxious boy stepped into the house, feeling slightly more encouraged by Bill's words. We continued on our trek into the house, no one left behind this time. We took some time to flash our lights at places, but we knew where to go to find It.

One by one, we descended down the basement steps. Bill led while everyone followed until he stopped in front of an old, worn out well. It was made of brick and was a strange place to be; a well in the basement of a house. A part of the brick was broken in. The floor ahead of the well was scattered with toys and children's clothes.

"Hey, Eddie. You got a quarter?" Rich asked Eddie as if it was a wishing well. "Wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." We all peered down the well. Our flashlights couldn't light up the bottom, indicating it was deeper than I'd wish for it to be. "Beverly."

The girl's name echoed down, also showing us there was more that we couldn't see. A thick piece of rope was wrapped in the corner of the basement; I prayed it would be long enough to reach the bottom of the sewers. This would be our way down.

RICHIE TUGGED ON THE ROPE, making sure it was secure enough for us all to go down. It hung from some chains in the ceiling. Bill, like always, went first down the well. Mike helped as Eddie was second to follow him down, then me.

Instead of going all the way to the bottom of the sewers, Bill found a tunnel in the side of the wall so we decided to check that out. Everyone was down aside from Mike because he helped each one of us.

A yell was heard up above from what sounded like Mike. We all gasped and crawled back to the entry of the tunnel. From behind Bill and Richie, I spotted Henry Bowers leaning over the well. His face was covered in scarlet blood and he had this insane, sort-of crazed look on his face. He started to laugh strangely, maniacally, then grabbed our rope and hauled it up. "No, no, no! Get the rope! Get the rope!" Richie exclaimed trying to grasp the knotted rope.

"Mike!" All of us were calling up to Henry and Mike, hoping he didn't hurt the homeschooled boy. I faintly heard Henry talking to Mike but I couldn't understand from inside the well. "Mike!" We were now screaming his name to no reply.

Anything could've happened to him. He could've left, but I doubt that. He even could be wiped out cold by Bowers but there was no way of knowing unless you were up there. Some screams were heard but the loudest was Mike's.

Next thing that happened, a body plummeted down the well. I knew it was Henry's as I caught a glimpse of his red shirt, along with a rough scream from him. "Holy shit!"
"Mike!" We all looked up to see Mike peering down the well. "I'm okay," he reassured.

Bunches of sighs of relief were let out when we realised our friend was fine. We stared up at him as he reloaded his gun but the rest of his ammo started to rock and slid off down into the well.

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