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MY FEET DASHED TO THE DOOR and I yelled for help from the boys. "Richie! Bill! Let me out!" Frantically banging on the door but it was to no avail. My attention was averted when I heard a soft whimper from the depths of darkness. I turned around and got a better sight of the room.

Boxes were scattered around the small room I was now in. Cobwebs hung from the corners and connected all across the place. There were cobwebs all around the house, but in this room, they seemed to multiply.

"Betty?" I called through the room. I figured she could be in here hiding, since the lighting was faint. A small lightbulb hung from the centre of the room and illuminated the room with weak yellow-toned light, but that was about it. The corners and sides of the rooms were pitch black as the light didn't reach far enough. No windows were put in the room which gave me a sketchy feeling.

"Hello?" I breathed out. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a tiny spider hanging from its web. A shudder ravelled down my back. From the old decaying wood, emerged even more spiders, edging towards me with all their little legs.

My vision blurred around me as I screamed and ran backwards from where they were coming from. I turned around to see even more spiders coming from all directions.

A small box caught by my foot and tripped me up. I slipped onto the ground while the spiders grew closer and closer at a rapid pace. Tears tumble from my eyes as they inched nearer and nearer.

"Get off me! Get off! Get off!" I screamed, feeling thousands of little arachnids crawling over me. I felt them creep up to from my legs, to my back, to my neck and all around my head. "It's not real, Y/n. It's not real," I mumbled to myself. Hot, salty drops slid down my cheeks madly.

Warm arms wrapped around me as I sat with my arms around my knees, sobbing to myself. I couldn't see that the door had been flung open with Richie and Bill running inside. "Y/n! Y/n, are you okay?" Richie frantically asked.

"Th—The-The spiders." I connected my gaze with his but it was blurry with tears. "Everywhere. They were everywhere. All over me." He placed one hand at the back of my head and hugged me tightly. "There are none, they weren't real. Now we need to go."

He hauled me to my feet and back into the room we lost Eddie in. Another adjacent room with a mattress creaked and caught all of our attention. The centre of the material moved and started to rip open, revealing a corpse-like head belonging to Eddie. "You wanna play loogie?" It asked. Black goo oozed from the fake boy's mouth and did the same from beneath the mattress. His head started bobbing like crazy before it was yanked back into the mattress.

We all stared at the dark colored liquid coming closer to us, before backing away and running out of the room. We turned around to face three dusty doors. On the doors, written with what seemed like blood, read 'Scary,' 'Very scary,' and 'Not scary at all.'

The boys ran to the first door, 'Not scary at all,' and I followed. Bill yanked the knob and it revealed a small, dark room. "Where's my shoe?" whispered a voice that sounded like Betty. A string hung from the ceiling and Bill tugged on it which flickered on a light.

The feeble light revealed Betty Rimpson with both hands hanging from the ceiling. But only the top half of her body. The lower region was gone which left piles of blood dripping from her. Everyone in the room, including Betty screamed and Richie forced the door closed. "Where the fuck where her legs? Holy shit! What the fuck was that!" He screamed and the ooze drew nearer and nearer. "This isn't real. Remember the missing kid poster, that wasn't real, so this isn't real." Bill stated. "Come on, ready?" Bill said, getting ready to open another door.

We opened another door and it unveiled a long hall with light at the end. "Wheres Eddie?" A loud, blood-curdling scream came from down the hall and it was instantly recognised as Eddie's voice. We all ran through the hall, shoving open a door. "Eddie!"

In the room Eddie lay, leaning on an old cabinet, shrieking and shouting. The clown was right above him but suddenly turned to face us. "This isn't real enough for you, Billy?" The clowns voice was high but not child-like. "I'm not real enough for you?" It asked while shaking. "Holy shit."
"It was real enough for Georgie," It spat out. The monster hysterically laughed but that instantly turned to screaming as it jumped up and hurtled towards the three of us.

I saw my life flash before my eyes again and we started to scramble together. The clown stopped in it's tracks as I looked up. Beverly had held a spear to it's eye. She backed away and we all sprinted over to Eddie's aid.

It's bones contorted as everyone was screaming to get out. The creature spun around and now it's face was distorted as it growled lowly at us. The white hands of the clown ripped up into knife-ish claws as it creeped towards us. It jumped at us and laughter erupted from the beast but instead of attacking the five of us, it decided to flash around and claw Ben in the stomach.

He let out a cry before it slithered back down the hall after bowing as if it had completed a performance. Each Loser was screaming their heads off but Bill. He stood up and followed the clown down the hall. "Don't let him get away."

The boy disappeared down the shadowy hall but that wasn't our biggest concern right now. As of this moment, we needed to fix Ed's arm. The bone was twisted out of place and he was screaming for Richie not to fix it.

Bill ran back in and Richie frantically yelled to Eddie, "I'm gonna snap your arm into place," he explained. "Rich, do not fucking touch me!" They hollered at each other, then Richie grabbed his arm and snapped it up, releasing a shrill from Eddie.

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