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One of the most important part of a fanfic is the Story

I mean, fanfics are almost literally known to be people just inserting themselves into a world.

Is that necessarily a bad thing?

No, not at all, people can insert themselves into any story they like and stuff like that, there is no problem with that.

However, from most stories I've seen, like 7/10 times, the character is left to the side due to plot and stuff.

That is kind of an issue. And I've come to realise why it is done so much.

People just insert the character in, and the character doesn't do anything to the plot.

A book named ᴍᴇᴛᴇᴍᴘꜱʏᴄʜᴏꜱɪꜱ poked fun at this, as it was what was happening to the character, they didn't change anything to the story.

This is a problem.

I think it's because either the creators are scared of changing things up, or they just can't for the life of them think of original plot points for the story. Especially if you are doing something in which is massive scaled. I mean, there's no way

So... what can fix this?

Well, for starters.

1. Be creative. You have Unlimited time and 0 budget, so you aren't exactly on a time constraint.

2. Experiment with characters. See which character your oc has good chemistry with.

E.g. (Using "To the Stars" As an example.)

Tokito is someone who is forgetful, while Inori is someone who helps Tokito through his forgetfulness.

3. Don't be afraid of making an impact on the story. Some of my favourite stories aren't afraid to do something new with the story they are making a fanfic out of. 

That makes them extremely successful, because people will keep coming back expecting new different things than the same plot they've seen 30 or so times before.

4. For huge crossovers like MHA x Pokemon, don't just shaft the Pokemon or something like holy- This is a problem I faced in the story "My Pokemon Hero Academia." It just felt like the Pokemon were just... there... Yeah, they had that cool Pokemon league thing, but for something 'declared' to be dangerous, Izuku really seemed calm about seeming them.

I've gotten crossed-eyed.

So basically, if you are including stuff like a whole new race into the story, make people have different opinions, make there be struggles and shit.


Anything you want me to talk about? Just put it here!

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