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Characters is a strange one here, because all my reasoning will be hella inconsistent since there isn't a special formula to make a character. However, I do have some points to bring up.

First of all. Especially for reader inserts, it's impossible for a (Y/N) to perfectly mirror readers. Everyone is different, so one thing to fix that would be to GIVE YOUR READER INSERT A PERSONALITY.

Another problem that comes to my mind with fanfics is the over detailed tragic backstory and the boring reason why they want to be heroes.

Just because your parents died doesn't mean that you HAVE to become the hero of the story. It's boring.

Also. One thing I dislike, but a friend of mine hates is stereotypes, and I can see why.

LIke, lemme list some stereotypes of the top of my head, WITHOUT RESEARCHING.

1. The furry

2. The Harem-er

3. The blank slate

4. The OP oc

5. The PERFECT oc

6. The lab rat

7. The twin.

8. Idk, I just got here

9. The person which never faces conflict in their life

10. The abused child.

11. The meme lord

12. Text chat person.

13. The yandere

14. Wait this isn't English-


I listed 14 stereotypes off the top of my head. Yeah, that doesn't seem like much at first.

But then you realise

Just how much it's been used. 

Oh my god.

So, if you want your oc to stand from the crowd, how about just, not leaning into a stereotype. People have started being more original with their characters, granted, but I am sure that there are still more characters leaning into the stereotype.

So, some tips.

1. Research character attitudes. Personality can really help a character shine.

1.5 . Try and think of how you'd react to a situation., then apply it to a character, while keeping into their personality.

2. Slow down on stereotypes. It's not fun

2.1 If you are going to do an OP reader, one thing you can do is give the oc an internal conflict, or make the characters possibly afraid of the op oc.

2.2 For lab rat ocs, a thing you can do is tie the lab to either a villain organisation, or a hero organisation. I suggest hero, as doing hero would be a lot more interesting than doing villain, because villain might be expected.

2.3. Give ocs conflict. Whether external or internal, an oc is never going to be interesting if they aren't struggling throughout a books lifespan. After all, the world isn't perfect. Not all the characters may like your oc.

3. Try making character arcs. If you don't know what that is why are you writing. You can make a flat character if you so wish, however, the flat character will ahve to influence others around them. (f.e. Sonic the Hedgehog. He never changed, but he changed others)


Anything you want me to talk about? Just put it here!

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