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Here's a common annoyance, misspells.

Everyone is going to misspell something at some point. Even if you have read your chapter over and over, you are bound to make a mistake at some point. Human error, yanno? There's also a few other things, so lets get into them.

1. Get grammerly if you have money. If not, use ProWriting Aid [not sponsored]. ProWritingAid is a tool similar to grammerly, but it's a more free grammerly, and kinda better as well.

2. Chapter Starts and Chapter ends. We all love cliffhangers, don't we?

Don't we?

Yeah me neither.

But sometimes, the way a chapter ends can be ridiculous. And a way a chapter starts can be annoying. I can't say a bad chapter ending, but I can say a bad chapter start.

Doing a time skip into the past/future without any reason to is bad.

Opening a chapter with someone being in the middle of a fight is cringe.

3. Said.


FInd other describing words other than said.

I beg of you.

You can use

"He exclaimed."


"She screamed."

or even

"It cried out in fear."


Stop using said too much.


Anything you want me to talk about? Just put it here!

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