Using AI

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So... fun fact:

I don't think writing with AI is exactly bad.

Of course, the idea of AI taking over every industry - writing, art, animation, etc - is evil. I know for a fact that companies will use AI to cut corners and just put people in bad positions just to make more money... The writer strike being a good example (Though, I'm still unsure if that thing is a good thing, or people are just being bad writers)

But... AI is sort of the thing that you can't really do that with when writing.

An AI will never be able to actually have a writer's touch.

So, lets get into how you can add a writers touch to your own book, whilst still using AI to help.

1. Use AI only to help flesh out scenes.

Backgrounds, time passing, ideas for plots and worldbuilding as well as the place around the person can be used by AI to write and help add to a story without making it too much of a headache for those who can't write too well.

2. Rewrite the rewrite the AI wrote for you.

So, for example. I put this into CHATGPT:

The middle school days arrived and departed quicker than Fuguai could say 'Balls 'n' balls'. It truely was that fast. More and more, the students started to praise Fuguai for his achievement for getting into Hope's Peak Academy.

Of course, Fuguai was able to see through those facades immediately.

And I told the AI to write further into it. This is what it produced:

The middle school days arrived and departed quicker than Fuguai could say 'Balls 'n' balls'. It truly was that fast. More and more, the students started to praise Fuguai for his achievement of getting into Hope's Peak Academy.

Of course, Fuguai was able to see through those facades immediately. He knew that their admiration was not for his academic prowess or any exceptional talent, but rather because they hoped to ride his coattails to success. They saw him as a stepping stone, a connection to the prestigious world of Hope's Peak. Fuguai had always been a perceptive and shrewd individual, and he was keenly aware of the ulterior motives lurking behind their flattering words.Despite the insincerity of his peers, Fuguai remained focused on his own goals. He had earned his place at Hope's Peak through hard work and dedication, and he was determined to prove his worth on his own terms.

The middle school chapter of his life may have been a whirlwind of mixed emotions and hidden agendas, but Fuguai was ready to face the challenges that awaited him in his new academic journey.

Now, as we can see here, this has a lot written on it, but it really lacks a style or a personality which is not what I have already written. The thing has a lot to read, sure, but lacks substance.

In order to add substance and attitude into an AI prompted word count, you must rewrite the rewrite. For example:

The middle school days arrived and departed quicker than Fuguai could say 'Balls 'n' balls'. It truly was that fast. More and more, the students started to praise Fuguai for his achievement for getting into Hope's Peak Academy.

Of course, Fuguai was able to see through those facades immediately. It was quite easy to tell that those admirations were not of actual happiness, but inner jealousy and hope to ride his coattails for their own successes. Casually attempting to talk to him as if they had been long lost friends? Calling out to him? One girl he had never even seen before even attempted to flirt with him.

Answer: Fuguai gave her a mint whilst walking away, holding his breath all the way, because... holy shit did she have bad breath.

They saw him as a stepping stone, a connection to the prestigious world of Hope's Peak. Fuguai had always been a perceptive and shrewd individual, and he was keenly aware of the ulterior motives lurking behind their flattering words.

Of course, if anything, the main thing they come across as is hypocritical.

As you can see here, in this particular example, by going back and changing up the style into words you as a writer know, the style of the book itself and how a character is meant to act, there is still flair. You can see an attitude, and the text being AI generated becomes a lot less murky.

Huh, maybe is SSSniperwolf actually did that, she wouldn't be tumbling into the graves. (Hehehehehhehehhe yes let her fall into internet irrelevency)



Only use it for ideas on characters and stuff they can do, NEVER to write the actual character.

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