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Now, I'm not going to say I'm a master of pacing out a story. Cause I am not. Even I still struggle to figure out how to properly pace out a story. However, I am going to at the very least, give a few tips on how to help pace out a story.

1. Don't go say the same thing over and over and over again. That's annoying.

2. Please, press the enter key at the end of a dialogue. Nobody's going to read a wall of text of you describing scenes and stuff happening. Using line spaces helps keep readers invested, as it's a lot more easier to read a spaced story than a wall of text.

3. Try and keep a limit to how many words to write. Now, writing a long chapter is good. But it makes you burn out a bit faster as well. You can use the Word Count to know how many words you have typed, and afterwards you can use that to make a limit. 

This makes a chapter not feel too long, and not feel too short either.


Anything you want me to talk about? Just put it here!

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