Chapter 7: Project x3

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Project 'Hate Me More' was destined to fail from the moments Kenneth thought it up. Ever since Kenneth dropped Sky off at her house he couldn't stop thinking about her. Sure, he had a reputation to uphold, but some part of him felt glad that she was starting to see him in a different light.

"Lily! Please stop dancing around my room." Kenneth groaned one night as he attempted to not do his homework. It was a very challenging task - not doing your homework knowing you will more than likely be facing another detention tomorrow. However, Kenneth managed to do it every night. Except...this night. Kenneth had sat down at his desk (after blowing away the dust) and pulled out his books before realizing what he was doing. His teachers counted on him every night not to do his homework - and Kenneth couldn't imagine what would happen if he did happen to complete his homework for the first time many years?

That was what Kenneth was trying to figure out when Lily came bounding into his room with her stupid blue tutu on. She was the only one in her ballet class who didn't wear some form of pink - and while Kenneth was proud of her for that - it didn't mean she didn't look like a dork. When Lily came into his room, whatever she planned to say blew away as she saw Kenneth sitting at his desk with his books, wait for it, open!

"You're doing homework?" Kenneth's head snapped to his little sister, who was gapping open-mouthed at him. He jumped up and slammed his books shut.

"No!" Lily crossed her arms.

"Sure, you're just staring at your books trying to figure out how a pencil works!" Kenneth scoffed, but nether less, ignored her statement. Lily started laughing. "Wow! I can't believe my older brother, Kenneth James, is doing his homework! Skylar really had an influence on you, didn't she?" Kenneth almost burst at her comment.

"Get out!" But Lily didn't leave, instead she started dancing around his room. And that is how Kenneth got here. Trying to figure out how Skylar changed him - even in the tiniest way - while his sister practices her ballet in the middle of his room.


Project 'Don't Fall For the Bad Boy' wasn't working for Skylar. She nearly screamed out the window when she finally admitted it, but ended up screaming into her pillow instead. Sadly enough, Skylar found herself developing a crush on the bad boy of her high school - Kenneth James. Looking back in it, it probably started when he found her in the rain. Even though they 'hated' each other then, he was nice enough to help her - and even take her bowling. Skylar stared at her ceiling, not knowing whether to be depressed or ecstatic.

This wasn't her first time liking somebody, no that title belonged to Kyle Scavenger in the fourth grade, but she was always to shy to tell him. Skylar scowled and rolled over onto her side. Her gaze fell on her forgotten bag, where her homework lay inside. It wasn't like her to not do her homework before the weekend was over, but right now - she just couldn't. It wasn't like she would get detention anyway, all her teachers loved her. She could just lie and say 'family emergency' or 'my cat died'.

The latter wouldn't be far from the truth. Her cat did die. Three years ago. Skylar sat up in bed. It wasn't like her to consider lying to her teachers either. Maybe, just maybe, Kenneth was having a 'bad' influence on her. At least, liking him was.

She looked to her calendar and saw  Sunday with a big red circle around it. That's when she would meet her mother. That Sunday was tomorrow. Kenneth promised to drive her so she wouldn't have to lie to her father, but now she was having second thoughts. She didn't know if she could handle being alone in a car with him for a whole hour. With no where to go.

Skylar stared around her room, wishing she had a younger sibling to come in and annoy the crap out of her. At least it would keep her mind off of Kenneth.


Project 'Get Skylar and Brother Together' was moving at a pace faster than Lily could keep up. She was overjoyed to finally meet Skylar, and was even more happy to see the connection the two already had. Without any influence whatsoever from Lily, her brother was already falling for the pretty girl.

Of course, that didn't mean Lily wouldn't interfere. Sure her brother might have had a few more girlfriends than Lily would have liked, but those girls were awful. Lily knew her brother was attracted to those girls in a different way that he is attracted to Skylar. It was that difference, however, that might halt her brother in his tracks and keep him for confessing his love to Skylar. Lily couldn't have that.

She liked Skylar, and Skylar was nicer to her than that 'Amy' girl was. She could see Kenneth liked Skylar better than Amy too, just in the way he looked at her. He night not know it yet, but Kenneth definitely loved Skylar. It was just Lily's job to get him to realize it.

Kenneth refused to tell her anything, but Lily knew Kenneth was planning to hang out with Skylar more, and it was then Lily was going to make her move. She had a plan to elaborate, that Kenneth will not be able to help but fall in love with Skylar. As Lily danced around in his room with glee that Skylar had almost gotten her brother to do something he hadn't done in three years (whether Skylar realized it or not wasn't important).

Lily waited for their wedding day, where she would be the flower girl.

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