Chapter 5: Fate's Magic

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I bet you did NOT expect such a fast update! Well here you go!! (I wrote this all today)

Chapter 5: Fate's Magic

Skylar walked up the steps to her house, a smile on her face, a small bowl of yogurt in her hands. After they had gotten their yogurt and sat down Kenneth's sister had called. He had to go pick her up because their parents were busy. After an apology Kenneth left Skylar on the sidewalk a block away from her house and left to pick up his sister. She would never tell him this, for fear she would hurt his ego, but Sky found it cute how he treated his sister. She secretly yearned for a sibling herself. Pulling out the keys to the house, she was surprised to find it unlocked. Sure, there were servants, but they were never allowed out the front door, so this door should be unlocked. She pushed the door open, walking in slowly. No maid to greet her.

"Hello?" She called into the empty house. No one was in sight. Skylar felt uneasy. "Hello!" She called again louder. A sudden noise startled her; footsteps were rushing down the hall. Jenna appeared from around the corner and Skylar felt her worries disappear.

"Skylar, I am so sorry. I was with Mary, and it...I am sorry. Here let me help you, do you-" Skylar raised her hand.

"What happened Jenna? Is Mary okay?" Martin would disapprove of Skylar befriending the staff, but she couldn't help it. These people took care of her, and loved her, and when Skylar saw the tears in Jenna's eyes, she couldn't just stand back and not help those who helped her.

"Well, last night Mary's daughter, she disappeared. No one knows where she is!" Skylar's heart dropped. She had met Mary's little girl, only once, but they just clicked.

"Well what is she doing here?" Without saying another word, Skylar walked passed Jenna and made her way to the kitchen. When she arrived a small group of servants were huddled around a crying Mary. Some were comforting her; some were giving her sympathetic glances. Skylar rushed over immediately and the crowd scattered. Mary saw Skylar and immediately tried to stand up, not wanting to get in trouble, but Sky pushed her back down and took her hand. Mary chocked back the sobs threatening to escape her throat.

"I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. If there is anything I can do, let me know. Please, I will help." Mary nodded, tears slipping out of her eyes. Skylar turned to the second chauffeur. "Please take her home. I will talk to my father and give you a couple weeks off. No exceptions, if I see you here in the next few days, I will fire you." Mary chocked a muffled laugh. Skylar smiled sadly and let the chauffeur escort Mary out of the kitchen. Skylar stood slowly and wiped a tear out of her eye.

"Skylar, would you like anything?" She shook her head and left the kitchen. The staff slowly returned to normal, going about their business. As Skylar walked up the stairs to her room she wiped another tear away and entered her room.


As Kenneth pulled into the elementary school's parking lot he saw his sister running towards the car. As she pulled open the front door Kenneth held out his hand. Lily glared at him. He smirked.

"You, little sister, are only 8! In the back for you!" Lily grumbled as she shut the front door and trudged around to the back. Once she was in and buckled up Kenneth pulled out the lot and drove in he direction home. He glanced back to Lily in the back seat; she was staring out the window like she was miserable.

"How was your day?" Lily looked to him, a look of annoyance written clearly across her face. Giving in, she shrugged.

"Fine." Kenneth sighed.

"Really? Fine?" Lily shrugged again.

"It's a good answer. How was your day?" Kenneth smiled at his sister.

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