My obviously Alpha neighbor

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Pran was not surprised to see that Pat was an alpha.

And not at all surprised that once again they were pitted against each other this time apparently in a case of silly gang rivalry between architecture and engineering. The universe seemed hell bent on throwing them against each other.

He had not realised that it was Pat in front of him until he had kicked him down and Pat was staring at him in shock.

Pat smelled of ozone and earth before rainfall and something in the air when a thunderstorm was brewing and he had not obviously expected Pran at all.

Pran was not in the mood to fight at all but he was also not going to stand back when his friends needed him. Granted it was all Wai's fault. He was a hot headed dude even so for an Alpha and was always looking for a fight. Pran sometimes got fed up with him but he was also his best friend and Pran would always be there for him.

Pran felt his heart stutter as Pat turned all his intense alpha gaze at him. He braced himself for a punch but Pat kept staring at him and Pran was sweating and his hands felt clammy and his heart was pounding and he.... When everyone scattered on seeing the security.


Pran felt nothing but relief as they were sitting in the cafe and his friends were tending to their wounds.

It was a revelation to see Pat again. His long-time rival and secret crush who he was separated from when his mom found out that they were playing in the same band in high school.

Pran and Pat's families have always been enemies and were always at loggerheads with each other especially his alpha Mom and Pat's alpha dad. Pat and Pran were always made to compete with each other no matter the situation and his mom took that very seriously.

He always knew that Pat would be an alpha. It was like an instinct. He could tell that's all. But it was a surprise when he presented as an omega. He thought that he would be a beta. He knew that he was not an alpha, he just was not. He just did not have that alpha aggression and impulsiveness that most seem to have.

It was not stereotypical that most alphas were hotheaded and aggressive and tackled everything head on.

His mom and Pat's father were typical example of alphas. They were like bulls always locking horns with each other. His poor dad and Pats' mom who were omegas always had to defuse the situation though they could not do much in front of all the alpha intensity.

He knew that his mom was disappointed that he was not an alpha. Even though she never said anything outright he could feel it in his bones. She never treated him any differently and still expected him to do everything perfectly as he has always done. She still expected him to go toe to toe with that neighbour kid and beat him in everything.

He knew her disappointment must have come from the fact that Pat was an alpha and he was not. But there was nothing he could do about that except to go along with the rivalry as he has always done.

He did not know when his rivalry with Pat turned into a crush but he thought maybe he was over it during his time in the other school but boy he was wrong. It was like the distance did not matter at all as he saw Pat again and his heart stuttered like it was going to have an aneurysm.

His omega not surprisingly was preening thinking about the alpha. ( oh no no no!! no fucking way are you doing that. Pat is not your alpha so shut the hell up) .

Meanwhile Wai was justifying that it was not his fault at all.

Pran rolled his eyes at him, " why do you always have to pick fights with them? I got involved now but there is no way I am getting involved again. You should be more careful or they will finish you ".

Wai just scoffed, " Let them try " .


He was at home having dinner with his parents.

His mom had made shrimp curry and it smelled amazing. His dad was playing his favourite song and the atmosphere was great. He loved moments like this. Everything was fun and light and he could just enjoy himself.

His dad congratulated him on becoming the class President.

As he smiled at his dad, his mom frowned, " Can you handle all the duties of the Presidency along with your studies? Remember Pran you can't slack off at all. Some people might expect you to fail because you are an omega. I know you won't but you have to show them nonetheless ".

Pran sighed, " I know Mom. My friends voted for me. They have confidence in me and I can't let them down. Don't worry I wont let you down either. I will try as hard as I can ".

His mother smiled at him and continued eating.

He thought about telling his mum about the fight with engineering but what would that entail he thought. It would just be the same speech as always. Stay away from the neighbour kid. They are good for nothing douche bags. Now the part about him being a good for nothing hotheaded alpha will be added and it will just drag on and on and on. His omega was whining about not being able to talk about the alpha and he groaned internally and told it to zip it.

As he was depositing the trash outside he felt a prickling at the back of his neck and turned around to see Pat staring at him.

His omega was jumping around like a dog in front of a ball ( Down boy!! ). Good God Pat should never find out his omegas' reaction to him.

" You did it on purpose didn't you? " Pat accused him.

" What? " he sighed " Did you think I followed you to the university. It is not my life's purpose to do everything that you do".

Pat rolled his eyes at him, " Your trash bin is jetting out to our side " and he kicked the bin with such force that it bounced back and fell on its side.

Pran grinned at him, " You always make such a mess " and went inside as Pat picked the bin back up.

As he shut his bedroom door he leaned against it and tried to calm his heart.

Pat always made him feel things but ever since he presented as an omega being in the presence of Pat just made him go bonkers. His omega was always so happy to see him which was the exact opposite reaction that was required of him. Its best if he just stayed away from Pat. There is no way Pat would ever feel anything towards him. It was a blessing that he was at least in a different department than him.

Pran just had to get through this without any incident and everything would be alright


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