My Hope

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He has to

He has to do this

He knew he has to do this

Every cell in his body rebelled against it

Every step away was utter agony

Every breath without was sheer despair


He has to

He has to do this


Never in his life has he ever avoided someone as he was avoiding Pat right now

The steps he had to take and the details he had to plan were so extensive that every day just ended with him in a collapsed heap of exhaustion

From that day onwards

The day ......

The day that Pat had kissed him

Oh God!! That kiss!!!

It was the beginning and the end of everything

It had been exhilarating



It had been everything that he had ever wanted

And it had scared him more than anything else in his life

He had never wanted the kiss to end

Had pulled Pat closer not wanting even air to come between them

Had kissed kissed and kissed him as if his whole existence depended on it


The moment it ended, reality had come crashing onto him like a tidal wave

Terror and confusion had filled him in spades and he had ran away from there

He had wanted to get away unable to look at the alpha in front of him

Even the desperate howling of his omega was not enough to make him go back

He had locked himself in his room trying to process everything and gathered his thoughts

(What had just happened?) he wondered touching his swollen lips in awe

(He kissed me. Pat just kissed me)

(Yes he fucking finally kissed us) his omega moaned inside him (Now go back and kiss him some more)

(Why did he kiss us? Just why??)

(What is wrong with u??) his omega snapped exasperated (Wake up!!! The alpha we have always wanted has just kissed us. Because he wants us. Now go BACK to him)

(He told us he liked Ink) he snapped wanting his omega to understand (He has been courting Ink)

(Maybe he...) his omega faltered not able to answer anything to that

(I don't think it's us he really wants) he thought his heart breaking at that

(But he kissed us. He fought with Wai. He helped us so much) his omega whined back desperately listing reasons, wanting the alpha to want them

(He was just being a typical alpha) he scoffed back (Being impulsive and possessive and reckless. He never liked Wai. It was his fault too where the bus-stop was concerned)

(But he kissed US) his omega whimpered

(DOESN'T MATTER) he screamed at his sub-conscious (He had never ever shown any signs of liking us in that way. And he TOLD us he likes Ink. The kiss probably means nothing to him) he thought as his eyes filled with tears once again

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