My Stubborn Dorm-mate

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Pat had been very pleasantly surprised when he saw the green tea bottles hanging on his door along with the cute little note. His alpha had immediately registered it as someone flirting with them and had there and then decided to flirt the hell back. They were so excited that they had even forgotten to be annoyed about their food.

From then on he had meticulously given sweet little packages to his front door neighbour. His friends had encouraged him enthusiastically and theorised that it must be a cute girl from the beautiful handwriting on the note and the care they had taken to apologise.

In his mind he was already imagining a very pretty girl blushing profusely and thanking him for his gifts

(Yesss) his alpha purred at him

Strangely they hadn't replied yet to any of his advances.

(They must be feeling shy. I will up my ante and woo them so thoroughly that they would not be able to refuse) his alpha pride would not let him back down


Nobody could even imagine his shock when he later found out that it was Pran he had been flirting with all this time

(Interesting) his alpha rumbled in his chest as he inhaled Pran's delicious smell

(No it's not) Pat spluttered at his alpha (It's not him that we want here)

(Are we really sure about that?)


Pran looked flustered as Pat stepped closer to him

(He is too cute not to tease though)

Pat stepped even closer to him fascinated with the way Pran's ears were turning red when Pran suddenly rushed out that he was here just to inform that he wasn't interested and ran away from there.

He grinned to himself. He was sure Pran had said that only because it was Pat in this situation. Though Pat didn't know what he would have done if it was someone else instead of Pran. Maybe asked them out on a date and then see where it would have gone from there.

(Oh well) he shrugged to himself. Strangely he was not that disappointed anymore.


Later he bluffed to his friends that his front-door neighbour had left a note thanking him for his gifts but apologising on having to reject him because they were already in a relationship.

His friends patted him sympathetically on his back and then promptly dragged him to the bar saying that he will feel better once he had a few drinks in him.

Once there Pat got quickly inebriated, mind calming from the familiar buzz when Korn crowed enthusiastically seeing that guy Wai serving drinks at the bar

"Hey Pat look there's someone to entertain us tonight"

Chang and Mo high-fived enthusiastically. His friends called Wai over and began to tease him making him serve them beer and filling up their ice tray. Pat grinned at his friends' antics and slumped back drunkenly in his chair daydreaming about warm coffee and vanilla ice cream.


He groaned into his pillow. His head was killing him

(I drank too much again. Ughhhh!!)

His alpha grumbled at him in annoyance

(Oh you are one to talk. Who was the one that wanted to drink that extra beer when I thought we had enough)

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