My New Enemy

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" I went through so much trouble but your friends always ruin everything" Pat gestured at him exasperated

"U saw that I tried my best to maintain peace. I genuinely thought that they will cooperate for once. Sorry" he said trying to calm him down

Earlier by some miracle Pat had brought his friends to join them in building the bus stop just as he had started losing hope of ever completing it in time. They had later regrouped in an empty classroom to divide tasks when the arguments had inevitably started

His omega had rolled his eyes so hard when Wai had contradicted Pat when he had said to include people from both the faculties in each group to ensure that no one slacks off

The alpha in Wai did not like that another alpha especially Pat was giving instructions and had immediately gotten highly offended saying that Pat was calling him a slacker

And then Pat had gotten offended snapping that Wai was twisting his words

He had jumped in before it could have escalated into a full blown fight even though it could be dangerous to step in between two pissed off alphas

Even his omega had been exasperated at this point

He had suggested then to keep Engineering and Architecture in different groups which had calmed Wai down causing him to back off

(But our alpha's annoyed with us now) his omega whined

(He's not OUR alpha) Pran snapped horrified

This was a problem

A big problem

Ever since he had presented his omega had latched onto his repressed feelings for Pat no matter how much he tried to convince him otherwise

(You are VERY convincing) his omega thought back sarcastically

And ever since they had been reacquainted with Pat his omega had convinced himself that they were meant to be and had since refused to think about anyone else

And it had escalated even more ever since Pat had been helping them these past few days

(Okay I admit that him being there made everything a lot easier) he thought reminiscing the way Pat had encouraged him and inspired him in designing the bus stop

His omega swooned thinking of Pat calling them lovers

(Oh My God he said to IMAGINE. It was for the project)

(Yes just imagine that being real) his omega crooned back

(I don't need this from u right now)

As he waged an internal battle with himself, he was brought back to reality by Pat waving his hand infront of his face

"Where did u just go??" Pat asked looking bemused " I have been trying to get ur attention for a minute now"

"Nothing!!!" he exclaimed flushing at his thoughts

"Anyways" he said changing the topic, " I think it's best if they remain in separate groups. If we mix them they will just spend all the time fighting and not get any work done. We will assign alternate days for each group to work"

"Fine. Whatever" Pat relented rolling his eyes

As they neared their rooms he turned back as Pat was about to enter his, " Thank you for helping me and for convincing your friends to help" he said smiling

Pat smiled back nodding at him, "It's our fault too for posting that video. Its the least I could do"

"Wait" Pat said suddenly as he turned again to enter his room

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