My fear, My courage

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Pat jerked up in alarm as his mate's fear came crashing upon him in waves

(WHAT THE??!!!!)

He got up and ran like hell in the direction of his omega's call

He crashed into the washroom to see Pran bent over the sink, clutching his stomach tightly in his arms

"PRAN!!!" he hurried over to his mate, steadying him in his arms "What is it? What's wrong??"

(Shit!!!!! Pat he is bleeding)

He looked down in horror only to find Pran's pants stained with blood

(Fuck! Fuck!! FUCK!!!)

"Pattttt" Pran wailed looking at him with sheer terror in his eyes "It hurts.....I-I I don't know.... The baby......Ahhhh....."

(We need to go to the hospital. Immediately!!!)

He lifted Pran into his arms and hurried out of the restaurant ignoring everyone's eyes on them

"Pat!!!" Pran whimpered in his arms clutching his shirt tightly. The panic coming off his mate was thoroughly overwhelming

"Just hold on sweetheart" he said desperately trying to calm Pran down "We will be at the hospital soon"

(Hurry Pat! Hurry!! Hurry!!!)

He opened their car door and gently deposited Pran down and hurried over to the drivers' side to start the car

"Ahhh" Pran moaned clutching his stomach tightly as he wove his way through the nighttime traffic

(Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!)

He gritted his teeth against the waves of panic clouding his mind. His mate needed him right now. He needed to concentrate.

"Siri call Doctor Lia"

Doctor Lia was their OBGYN. She was a beta and she had been following their progress since they had moved back to the city

"Hello Pat" her pleasant voice came over the speakers "What can I do for you? How is.."

"Dr. Lia" he cut her off in his desperation "Pran is bleeding and is in a lot of pain. We are on our way right now to the hospital"

"Ok ok" she immediately became serious understanding the urgency of the situation "I will be ready for you guys. Just drive carefully"

"Pat I'm scared" Pran whimpered looking at him with tears streaming down his cheeks

His heart shattered seeing his mates' pain. He extended his arm and clutched Pran's hand tightly in his trying to smile reassuringly at his omega "Just hold on a little longer my angel. We are nearly there. I won't let anything happen to either of you. I swear"

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