New York Part 1

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Music has always been a part of my life. It started off with just singing with my dad who taught himself guitar. He's even written some songs. I always found it difficult to write songs. It didn't make a difference when I started learning instruments as well, piano, recorder, trombone, guitar, nothing seemed to help.

I'm from Colorado Springs and have lived there for as long as I can remember. My parents are still together. They are going on twenty-two years. I have four siblings: Emily, Julianna, Angel, and Andrew. Our parents were very particular with all of our names. Destiny because they knew that I am meant to do great things. Emily because she is going to be a faithful, hardworking woman. Three years later, Julianna entered our lives. Annie was definitely going to keep my parents youthful. Angel came ten years after Annie. She has tight white blonde curls so the name was fitting. Andrew just turned one. He has tight dark curls. He is named after our grandpa Andy. Drew was born five years after Grandpa had an accident on shift at the firehouse. He was a volunteer firefighter.

My senior class chose to go to New York for our senior trip in April. I wanted a new swimsuit before leaving so I went with my group of friends: Chloe, Davany, Anna, Monroe, and Shelby. I wouldn't say that I am best friends with all of them; Shelby and I are close though. Sure, it's April but I was told there is a hot tub and an indoor pool at our hotel. CNT (Comfy and Trendy) already had suits on display. They had bikinis, ruffle bikinis, scoop bikinis, triangle bikinis, you name it, it was there. I'm not really a bikini girl. So I went for the coverage bikinis instead. There are so many designs. I couldn't pick between stripes or floral. Shelby said that the stripes looked more like me.

"Please tell me that Mack Daniels is not coming to New York with us," Chloe begs. I suck in a breath.

"Yes, he's coming but you guys have nothing to worry about. I'm completely and truly over him," I reassure my friends. Mack and I have history. It's been three months since we ended it. Davany scoffs at me.

"I'm sorry, hon, but one never gets over their first love." I playfully smack her. I don't even know if I loved him. He was my first boyfriend and it just didn't work out. What's the big deal? Anna explained that ex-boyfriends can become toxic after breakups. Oh my gosh! Why are they being so dramatic over something that isn't going to happen? Besides, I forgot how much I like being single. Once I found the right size and the perfect fit, I purchased the bathing suit without another word.

"Seriously, Destiny. Be careful around him," Shelby says walking out of the store. I can take care of myself.

I was placed in a room with Shelby and two other girls from our class, Dawsyn, and Kennedy. Anna, Chloe, and Davany are roomed with Malika Roman. Her parents immigrated from Egypt before she was born. I don't know about anyone else but I couldn't wait to get into the pool. The minute we got to the room, I headed straight for the bathroom to throw on my new swimsuit. Shelby decided to go with me because our class sponsors said that we were to go places in at least two. Dawsyn is tired and Kennedy doesn't swim so they stayed in our room.

We make our way out of the room with the spare key. Shelby and I shared the elevator with a couple who were in town for a district conference. I've been to one before. As we exit the elevator, a group of young guys waits to enter. They have suitcases with them so I assume that they are going up to their rooms. That's about all that I notice because I am in my swimsuit and I want to swim. So I tug on Shelby's arm in the direction of the pool. "Shelby, come on."

"Oliver, have you seen my AirPods?" a male voice calls.

"Sebastian took all four of yours," another responds.

"Hey yo, you going rat me out like that bro?" We have reached the hallway to the pool.

"Are you the one that took my keys, too?" someone else asks.

"Dude, do you even read Kane's tweets?" The boys erupt in laughter. I push through the door to the pool as the elevator door closes. I kick off my flip-flops and slip out of my shorts. I dive into the deep end and I am now surrounded by water. When I finally submerge, I wipe the water from my face and remove the wet hair from my cheeks. Shelby stepped outside to answer a phone call.

"I should've known that this is where you'd be," a familiar voice says from behind. I close my eyes before turning around. It's Mack. "It was always choir class or the pool." I turned around to face him. His hair is freshly cut with droplets of water on the tips. He looks like a kid from a rock band in the early two thousands. Mack doesn't even understand music. His taste in music alone is bad. I have no idea why I went out with him. I ask him what he is doing here but of course, he has to be his sarcastic self. "Swimming while I'm on my senior trip." I roll my eyes. I could never tell when he was being serious in our relationship. Those eyes that used to calm me now fill me with utter annoyance. My arms push back the water as I make my way out of the pool away from my ex-boyfriend. He has spoiled my mood. I snatch a towel to quickly dry off while I walk to grab my belongings at the other end of the room. "Dest-"

"Don't call me that!" I hated when he called me Dest. Shelby was still on the phone when I walked past but I was not about to wait around to hear what else Mack had to say. When the elevator doors close, I pull my shorts back on. I lean my head on the wall. This is supposed to be a fun and relaxing trip. It's off to a great start, isn't it? The elevator stops on the third floor. I make my way to room 304 and let myself in. Dawsyn is already out like a light. She must have jet lag. Kennedy is laying on the bed next to her, flipping through channels on the television. She asks how the swim was. "I'll give you one word. Mack." That awkwardly shut her up. Everyone knows Mack and I's history at our high school. I grab my suitcase and pull it into the bathroom. I let the warm water run over me, relaxing my muscles. It calms my thoughts and brings peace to my mind.

Shelby is back in the room by the time I get out. I have on my MoyArmy hoodie on and pair of running shorts. I'm hungry though. "Do you guys want any snacks from the vending machine?" Shelby wants a snickers bar and Kennedy wants a Pepsi. So I head down the hallway and put the money in for Shelby and Kennedy's things. They had so many options to choose from. I have no idea what I want to eat. I should've thought about this before I came this way.

"Having trouble deciding?" I see one of the young guys from earlier headed my way. I nod politely. "Nice hoodie," he compliments. I notice that he has on one too but it's a different collection. A smirk appears on my face. "I always go for the spicy Doritos." He puts in his own money and hits B6. A bag of Doritos falls in the drop box. He grabs it and unexpectedly hands it to me. I try to give it back but he won't let me. "I actually came out here to get a bunch of water for my friends. You can take it." I try to hand him money for compensation but he won't take that either. I watch as he buys bottled water after bottled water. I place my three items in my pocket with the key card and my phone. He has nine bottles and without even asking I grab four to help him carry. "You don't have to that," only it's my turn to say no thank you. This is what I can think of to pay him back for the free snack. We walk back towards the rooms, past my room but stop at rooms 307 and 308. He takes the drinks back and thanks me for my help. "It was nice to meet you,-" He pauses realizing that he does not know my name.

"Destiny," I amuse him. He repeats his sentence but adds my name. I turn to go back to my room and pause by the door. I watch as he knocks on one of the doors and asks for the meatheads to open the door. That comment made me smile and I finally reach my room again.

Hey, guys! This is my second story on here. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think. Go check out my other one called NORTH STAR BOYS if you haven't read it yet. I will try to write Chapter Two New York Part 2 soon.

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