The Graduation Gift

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Oliver and I walk back out into the sun on the early June afternoon. I follow him to his car that sits in the parking lot. He pops the truck and pulls out another pair of black pants. I give him a questioning look. He tells me that they're Sebastian's and that comment makes me smile because Oliver is always taking Sebastian's clothes. Sometimes I wonder if the hoodie or t-shirt that I have of his is his or his brother's but I've never asked. He gave me the hoodie but I stole the t-shirt. I wait for him to switch pants in the backseat before climbing into the passenger side of the vehicle. He reaches his arm on the back of my seat as he looks back to reverse out of his parking spot and drives out of the lot. I show him where to go to get to my house. He is officially meeting my family! I am so nervous for this introduction. He takes my left hand into his right as we pull out into the street. My boyfriend lifts my hand until the back of it is pressed against his lips. My body instantly feels slightly warmer. I know that I've only known him for two months now, but I think that I might actually be in-love with Oliver. I smile at that thought as I study his face. His Asian skin has darkened from the California sun since the last time that I saw him in person. 

 We turn onto my street to see that my house is surrounded by parked cars, of course not literally, but there were quite a few cars that were parked for my graduation party. I immediately get a bitter feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why did I agree to have this party? Oliver puts the car in park and unfastens his seat-belt but he pauses when he notices that I am not moving. My chest tightens as my breath begins to constrict. He gets out of the vehicle and walks around to open up my door. He takes my hand that has now begun to shake and gently pulls me into his chest. My forearms press into my chest as his strong arms wrap around me. My hair that is still damp fell off of my shoulders and covered my face. My forehead rested on my boyfriend's chest as my face start to get hot. He whispers gently into my ear, "Hey, just breathe. We'll go in when you're ready, okay? Just breathe." His thumbs rub up and down my back in a soothing manner as I try to regain control of my breathing. The bitterness vanishes as if it was slowly sucked out of my stomach. My arms fall from my chest and pull my boyfriend closer to me. My lungs slowly feel more at ease while my heart-rate continues to race. My hands are still a little shaky though. Oliver lowers his head to kiss the top of mine. "You ready?" He asks pulling himself out of the hug. I frown when he does this but nevertheless I nod my head. I let him take my hand and lead me up the lawn into the house that I grew up in. 

I can hear the music from inside as we reach the door. Shelby and Davany are talking with Emily and Julianna in the kitchen. My grandparents are playing with Angel and Andrew in the living room. My parents are making conversation with some of my teachers in the dining room. There were a few more people though. Sometimes I have social anxiety and even though I know these people, I still feel as if a weight is in my stomach. I overthink sometimes too. Oliver squeezes my hand gently. I still cannot believe that he's here with me. Shelby had her party last night and Davany is having hers tomorrow. I walk over to my parents and place a hand on my mom's shoulder so that she would know that I need to talk to her. My mom politely ended her conversation with Mr. Charter, my music instructor. "Mom, Dad, this is Oliver Moy." I watch as my boyfriend shakes the hands of both of my parents. He greets them with respect. My mother makes eye contact with my father before asking him if he was taking good care of their girl. I look down at the ground in embarrassment as she says this. Oliver responds in a positive manner. 

"Yes, I am, but I would also say that she takes good care of me too," He says to them. "You have an amazing daughter," this time he looks at me when he says this. I smile shyly without looking at anyone. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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