Getting Back to Reality

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I throw the pencil across the room in frustration. Agh! Why can't I write a song? Just one song. Oliver made it so easy back in New York. Why can't I do it now? I didn't speak to anyone on the plane ride back. I just kept my headphones in and listen to the Moy Boys on repeat. North Star Boys haven't released any music yet. I still haven't spoken to anyone yet, not even Shelby. Em-N-Em has become my best friend. I graduate in less than a month and I still haven't finished my final in music. Scratch that; I haven't even started. I'm supposed to write a song and record it and everything for the final. I can't get one single note on this stupid paper.

The North Star Boys are back home in Los Angeles right now. They have been posting content like crazy. Oliver and I became good friends back in New York but now I have to get back to reality. I am eighteen, about to graduate high school and live in Colorado Springs. I am also having some unspoken beef with my friends. "Destiny, we're leaving. Drew and Angel are taking naps in their rooms," my mother calls. Did I mention I am babysitting my own siblings? I open up my laptop and pull up YouTube. I search for Oliver's account and he has a video that just went LIVE.

"Hey, Stars! Welcome back. Today, we are doing..." he pauses. "I don't know what we're doing. Guys," he calls off camera. "Tell them what we are doing." Oliver steps out of the camera and switches with the boys.

"Today, we are asking Oli questions," the boys say in unison. It's on LIVE so the sound quality isn't as good as their actual videos but the Stars can see them unedited. I will admit that it is entertaining. Then I get the idea to mess with Oliver while he is live on screen. So I pull up his Instagram account.

oliver_moy i_destiny

Get back on camera

You're watching?

Yeah. Now get back on camera. It's Your video.

Oliver then appears on the floor in front of their couch. Justin asks the first question. "If you could change your name what would it be?" Without skipping a beat, Oliver says Olivia which makes everyone laugh including him. "Okay, seriously though," Justin continues once they all settled down.

"My name was almost Jonathan Moy. At least that's what my mom tells me," Oliver admits without shame. Sebastian clears his throat, making his brother fall silent. I take a cute but funny snap of myself and dm it to Oliver.

                                                                                                                                                                              Hey, Olivia!

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Hey, Olivia!

Oliver opens his phone while Kane and Darren are having an argument about who asks the next questions. I watch as a smile appears on his face again. That man has a killer smile. Regie finally gets tired of the arguing so he asks a question instead. "What is your favorite lyric in YAMS?" Oliver looks straight at the camera. 'Oh no,' I think.

"You give me reasons to love again. You put the stars and moon in place for my heart," he speaks. I just had to look away.

oliver_moy i_destiny

What was that?


You know

I do?


I see that Sebastian is looking over Oliver's shoulder at our messages. Oliver catches on too and flips his phone over. "I got a question. Have you ever bought a plane ticket for a girl?" Sebastian stares right at his brother. The smile that was just on my face goes away. What is Sebastian talking about? Ryan seems confused too so Sebastian clarifies. "Have you ever bought a plane ticket for a girl that is not related to you, recently?" Oliver hesitates before saying yes. I got a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I closed out YouTube and went to check on my siblings because I could not finish the video.

{NSB House}

Angel is behind the camera that is going live on Oliver Moy's account. He mentions that they lost a viewer to the boys after that last question. Oliver looks at Angel instead of the camera to confirm what he just heard. Oliver gets up from his seat on the floor and heads toward the stairs leaving the boys to finish the LIVE on his account.

{Isserman House}

"Angel, Drew, what are you doing?" I say opening the door to their shared room. They were supposed to be taking a nap. My phone says that I am getting a FaceTime call on Instagram. I ignore the first one without even seeing who it was. The second time, I answer but still did not check to see who it is.

"Destiny," I stop at the sound of his voice. I look down at my phone and see Oliver's face. "You left the LIVE." I pick up Drew from where he was sleeping and bring him to the camera. Angel follows.

"Oliver, this is Angel and Drew. Two of the four siblings of mine," I still have that bitter feeling in my stomach. He could sense the cold in my voice though. He sighs.

"Destiny, the ticket was for you," he finally says. I almost drop my brother. "The plane ticket was for you so that you can come to the concert on May 23." My hand covers my mouth and I try to hold it together. I feel better now. The bitterness is no longer there. I set my siblings up with a snack before continuing the FaceTime with Oliver.

"Oliver, I can't come to California until I finish up my music final. They won't let me graduate without it being done and I can't even start it," I put my full attention on the call. He doesn't see the problem. "I've always had this problem." He recalls our time in New York. "That was different. I was helping you. It wasn't mine." I close my eyes and run my hands through my hair. Then he does what I am not expecting. He offers to help me write the song.

"You gave me full credit for YOU ARE MY STAR. I will give you full credit on this one," I have no words. I also don't know how this will work with our schedules. We are in different states that have different time zones. He has a career that takes up all of his time. I have school. This can't possibly work. Besides, I need to do this myself. How can I keep doing what I love if I don't try?

Hey guys! I wasn't sure if I was going to end this chapter here or not but I guess I am. I will warn you that there are some rocky roads ahead. I am rooting for Oliver and Destiny though even if the odds of reality are standing against them.

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