A New Understanding

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98 likes including oliver_moy and north

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98 likes including oliver_moy and north.star.boys   23 comments

i_destiny The thing about LA is that it makes you want to stay.

username LA is beautiful

i_emNem Colorado...

        [reply] i_Annie Really Em? Let her enjoy her trip.

I yawn without getting up. Last night was crazy and I did not get back until late. I don't want to get up because my flight back home is today. I got to be backstage watching the boys do their first ever concert and they were so good! Oliver took me to see some of his favorite places in LA on Saturday night. I pull a pillow closer to me. Oliver gave up his room for me. He's been staying in Sebastian's room this weekend. The pillow smells like my new friend and it's comforting. I close my eyes for a brief second before getting up. I make up the bed, throw on a North Star Boys hoodie with my ripped jeans, and run a brush through my hair. After I brush my teeth, I start cleaning up my things to be packed back into my suitcase. The sun shines through the blinds of the windows, warming up the room. I take one more look around Oliver's room before pulling my suitcase out into the hall and down the stairs. I stop at the bottom of the stairs and leave my luggage by the door. 

I make my way to the couch in the living room to find Oliver asleep. I smile at the goofball who has become my friend. I guess he never made it upstairs. I sit next to him with my eyes tracing his face. I remove the bits of hair that cover his eyes. His eyes flutter open at that moment and my hand rests on his cheek, unwilling to move. I am longing to stay longer. His dark eyes don't leave mine. He searches them as mine search his. I close my eyes for brief second ending the moment. "Could you help me with my song before I go?" He nods against my hand that still won't move from its position. His cheek is warm. He sits up and goes upstairs to change clothes. I wait by my spot on the couch, taking in my surroundings. I made some cooking memories with Kane, Darren, and Regie. I gamed with Ryan and Justin and I normally do not game. I made some ticktocks with Sebastian. 

I hum the tune that I have in mind for the song. I'm sitting in Oliver's music room, thinking about what I want to do with this tune. All of the rest of the house is still sleeping. The door opens to Oliver is in a fresh t-shirt and jeans. He picks up his guitar and sits next to me. I hum the tune once more so that he can match the chords to the tune of the song. "The wind blows from north to south. We are miles apart but still so close. I'm trying to write a song but nothing seems to come to mind. I could not prepare for what life had to throw," I start singing as Oliver playing along with me.

"I was angry for so long and stayed quiet without a word. Being with you changed so many things. The fun that we've had was unexpected. From the moments of New York, the notes had more meaning through strings," I continue. Oliver then took over. "The smiles and all the laughter now brighten the horizon. The words for chorus flowed from the guitar. I'm coming up for a new understanding. Because this is a song for a north star." I stopped singing and just watched him. He noticed that I had stopped and did the same. "What's wrong," he asked. I looked from his eyes to his lips and closed the distance between us. My lips met his with desire and passion. He reciprocates my kiss by placing the guitar back without braking the kiss. He gently places his hands at the nape of my neck. We find a rhythm in our kisses. My hands go to his dark curls. His hands do not move from my neck. The scent of him this close to me was overwhelming to my senses but I did not care. I release my hands to rest on his legs as we continue to kiss. Underneath my palm is a square shape. I stop mid-kiss and reach into the pocket of jeans. I pull out a condom. I glance at it once and throw it back at him. I slide off of his lap and head for the door. "Destiny, wait," he calls after me. Was he planning on having sex with me? "Let me explain please." I pause at the front door because this could be interesting. 

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