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Jake was standing at the edge of the stairs, waiting for Beck.

"So you finally had a chemistry with my sister huh" Beck was a little bit startled.
" What you talking about, I only brought her home because she's weak" there's no way he's gonna disclose that to him, he said to himself.
" Com'on, I ain't no kid you know, no matter how weak Shane is, she gets home alone. I know you both have feelings for each other Beck, you can't lie to me, I mean I've noticed the way you look and smile at her anytime my late dad brings us to the office, on 'bring your kids to work day' I see how you always talk to her and always bring her lunch, I know you didn't bring the lunch for me or Tess, but you always did cause you never wanted my dad to suspect you , I knew all your tricks Beck but decided to keep shut. Don't go playing the dumb card with me Beck" he said wiggling his eyebrows at him and Beck had no choice but to give in .

"Fine, you cought me , we did had an intense chemistry together"
" Don't fuck her up tho, she can actually fuck who ever she wants but ended having feelings for you. Since the day she realized that she hasn't fucked any nigga, she's trying to keep her self for you only, so don't play with her fucking feelings Beck, or you gon get it from me and Tess"

" I won't, you already know I've had feeling for her for a long time now so how will I play with her feelings, tho I've hard sex with girls since I knew I had feelings for her, but that's because I thought she never had feelings for me so I try to ease myself anytime I think of her, but now I know she has feelings for me, I won't mess with hers, you have my full assurance jake." he told Jake sincerely and they both shook hands before he left the house.

" Is Shane not yet back?" Tess said as she desended from the stairs.
"She's back, but she won't be having dinner with us as she is fast asleep from having an intense chemistry with Beck" he told her honestly.
" Fuck, so they are like together now I guess, cause we both know they have feelings for each other"
" Yeah I guess they are" they both talk as they went and sat at the dinning table, while the house help served them food to feed their hungry bellies.

"So when are the girls coming" Jake asked
"By 9pm, I want you in your room by then". She told me with a serious face.
" I have a movie marathon today Tess, I'll be watching movie in the living room with Jason " She glared at him .
" Do that in you fucking room Jake, you have you television set in your room, don't fuck with me" she told him and he rolled his eyes at her.
"You ain't my mom you know, you can't tell me where to watch my movie " and she gave me a fierce look and immediately changed to a sad face. He could read through her thoughts now, he wished he never said the 'Mom' part, she was mom's favorite, their mom loved them all equally but she was more close to Tess than him and Shane. She was in a traumatic state for months after their parents death.

" I'm sorry I said that, I know how much you miss mom I miss her as much too, even dad. I missed seeing them in my Basketball games, I miss seeing them cheer for me, I miss how they hug me when ever my team wins, I miss how to sympathize with me when we also fail, I miss family game nights, I miss them a lot Tess" a tear drop to his cheeks.

" I miss them too Jake, so much" they hugged each other.
"I know they are happy where ever they are, that won't spoil my night , I'm gonna have fun tonight"
"Yeah, I know they are happy that we are living our lives the way we want it, they are proud of us, have fun tonight Tess." he cheered her up. They ate dinner before going to their rooms to prepare for the night fun.

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