• 🌺 Michael it's just me✨ •

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Tw: none!
Head Cannon : anytime tubbo and ranboo are alone with Michael they use the words dad/daddy (do not sexualize the second one I swear to God) and dada.

Hi Soooo it's been a while.... I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it I'm not sure if I'm going to be regularly updating this book but I'm going to try and get back on writing with the rest of them

Also I'm still going to continue writing stuff with techno in it please don't make it weird I'm just doing it to cope and stuff like that and I hope that doesn't bother you

Anyways thank you and enjoy the one-shot

Third POV•

" RANBOO DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY GOGGLES ARE " Tubbo yelled downstairs from the bedroom

Tubbo was going to go work down in his little nuclear area he built in snowchester anytime he goes there he always wears goggles to protect his eyes from the either waste and such

" LOOK IN THE CLOSET " Ranboo yelled back upstairs from where he was in the living room



Ranboo turning to his son Michael who is currently playing with the tuff of fur on his tail

" Michael what would tubbo ever do without me " ranboo asked his son who looked up to him and oink

" Yeah he be lost without me wouldn't he " ranboo said curling his tail around his son's waist and hoisting him up to sit in his lap

Michael let out various happy oinks as he did so.

" Are you talking about me " Tubbo said if he came down the steps

" Whaaat noooo me and Michael would never talk about you, especially not behind you back " Ranboo said extending some words

" Yeah yeah you're lucky I'm so nice and love you too much to actually hurt you, other than that I would have slapped you right across your face for doing so " Tubbo said crossing his arms on the top of the couch and laying his head on them

Tubbo had his goggles on which made him look really weird in Ranboo's opinion the goggles are round and had nuclear signs on the lenses of them that looked like they were hard to see Through though tubbo said that he could see through them perfectly fine anytime Ranboo would ask though

" Though goggles on you look so weird Tubbo you know that right " Ranboo said staring at his platonic husband

" You say that every time I wear the gog- " Tubbo was cut off by the sound of loud whimpering

Both ranboo and tubbo turn their head to their son Michael who was currently bearing his face in the chest of Ranboos suit loudly whimpering and shaking

" Michael why are you crying are you okay " Tubbo said coming around the couch and taking Michael out of Ranboo's lap

As tubbo did this action Michael started to scream tears falling out of his eyes and squirming to get out of tubbo's hold

" Michael what's the matter " tubbo said now starting to get a little concerned as he almost dropped Michael as he squirmed out of his hands thankfully ranboo caught him before he hit the ground

" Tubbo I think it's your goggles " Ranboo says Michael snuggles into his chest whimpering and shaking in his dada's hold

" You think so " Tubbo said

" Maybe "

" Michael it's just me " Tubbo said taking off his goggles

Michael didn't move though all he did was snuggle into Ranboo's chest even more

" Michael look it's daddy see " Ranboo said turning Michael slightly so he was facing tubbo

Michael slowly opened one of his eyes to look at tubbo to see if it was true

And it was tubbo standing there smiling and looking at Michael's face holding his goggles in his hands

" See Michael it's just me I was just wearing goggles baby " Tubbo I said showing Michael his goggles

Michael only let out a happy oink seeing that his dad was back and not wearing the scary goggles anymore making grabby hands for him to pick him up

Tubbo and Ranboo let out various giggles and laughs as tubbo picked up Michael and kissed him his head

" I told you those goggles were weird " Ranboo said laughing even more at the fact that their son didn't even recognize tubbo with the goggles on

" Oh hush you " Tubbo said laughing as well

So I hope you enjoyed that I watched this video which I do not remember sadly portable had put on goggles and Michael was absolutely terrified and I thought it was cute and decided to recreate it

Hope you enjoyed this

Currently working on another story for this book it's going to be extremely long so it might take me a while to finish anyways I hope you enjoy

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