°lost and found 🌺🛑° part 1

35 2 1

Tw: mentions of starvation, mention of abuse,
( Let me know if I forgot something )
Requested by: Kamiko_1234

°third POV°

" hmm this is getting a little boring if I'm going to be honest " a voice said

" Yeah, you're right do you think we've messed with them long enough though " another voice said sounding a bit more feminine than the first one

" I think we have what do you think clay " another voice said sounding Younger almost teen like

" Yeah I think we have messed with them long enough they can have their normal lives back or as normal as they can make it " clay said laughing at the end

And just like that everyone in the smp fell to the ground unconscious but then woke up seconds later their heads throbbing and hurting as memories of how peaceful the smp was came flowing back to them

Original personality started to come back families were getting back together looking over each other and making sure everyone was okay or as okay they can get after all the wars

Even two brothers came back together

" SAM " punz yelled running over to his older brother

" PUNZ " Sam cried back pulling his brother into a tight hug as soon as he came in arms reach

" Oh my God are you okay " Sam said checking over his younger brother he didn't look hurt hell he look like he didn't even have a scratch on him but Sam knew better than to believe that he wasn't mentally hurt

" Who cares if I'm okay are you okay " punz asked swatting his older brothers arms away from him to look and check over him instead

" I care about you dimwit " Sam said pulling his younger brother into another hug

" Wait.. where's, where's dream " punz said pulling away from his older brother's arms and looking around trying to see if he could spot his younger brother

" I don't- " Sam said cutting himself off his eyes went wide

" What what's the matter " punz looking at his older brother and seeing fear spread across his face

" SAM! " Punz yelled for his older brother as he swiftly turned around and started booking it back to the prison

It only took punz a second to realize that the reason dream wasn't anywhere outside was because he was still in the prison

Having now figured this out he started running as well he was further behind his brother but he could still see him

As soon as Sam made it to the prison he went inside and immediately went to dream cell lifting up the lava to see how broken is poor baby brother looked

" Dream " Sam said once the lava was fully out of the way

Dream lifted his head staring at Sam before speaking

" What do you want Warden " dream said with venom behind each word

" Dream are you okay here I'll let you out in a minute let me just- "before sam could finish his sentence dream started laughing

" Is something wrong with you Sam why would you be letting me out the most dangerous person on the server remember " dream said the venom and hatred never leaving his voice

Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing why is his baby brother acting like this everything should have gone back to normal it seemed like everyone outside had gone back to normal so why was dream still acting like he was before

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